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Ground Warfare

Milrem Robotics Presents New THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle with HITROLE Weapon Station


Milrem Robotics Presents New THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle with HITROLE Weapon Station

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THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle with HITROLE Remote Weapon Station
THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle with HITROLE Remote Weapon Station

Milrem Robotics, Europe’s leading robotics and autonomous systems developer, presents a new combat UGV. The new system is the combination of Milrem Robotics’ intelligent THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) and HITROLE® Light Remote Weapon Station (RWS), one of the land turrets developed by Leonardo, a leading global Aerospace, Defence and Security company. THeMIS Combat UGVs provide direct fire support for manoeuvre units and act as a force multiplier. With the HITROLE® Light RWS which can be fitted with a 7,62 mm or a 12,7 mm Machine Gun or a 40 mm Automatic Grenade Launcher and is assisted by AI functions for target acquisition, recognition prioritization and tracking, they provide the capability to perform multi-role tasks like surveillance, patrolling, border security, counter-sniper and asymmetric missions. Engagement of the target is always done by a human operator.

“The THeMIS has proven to be the most popular and suitable robotic mobility platform for RWS integrations. Our cooperation with Leonardo and the integration of HITROLE® represent the next crucial steps in this journey. Together with Leonardo, we can offer a highly capable robotic combat system to the Italian Army and customers worldwide. This will significantly enhance warfighting capabilities and, even more importantly, contribute to troop safety,” said Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem Robotics.

511 Tactical

THeMIS (Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System), unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), is a ground-based armed drone vehicle designed largely for military applications, and is built by Milrem Robotics in Estonia. The vehicle is intended to provide support for dismounted troops by serving as a transport platform, remote weapon station, IED detection and disposal unit etc. THeMIS Combat UGVs enhance force protection and increase stand-off distance by allowing the operator to utilize the weapon system and observe, day and night from a protected position. The HITROLE® Light RWS is a multi-role ultra-lightweight turret of which more than 300 units are in service worldwide. The THeMIS UGV is a multi-role unmanned system that is part of robotics programs in various configurations in 16 countries around the world, including 8 members of NATO.

Milrem Robotics is an Estonian robotic vehicle manufacturer. Their primary products are the THeMIS UGV, the Multiscope UGV and a robotic combat vehicle designated as the Type-X. Milrem Robotics is the leading European robotics and autonomous systems developer and systems integrator, with offices in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the US. The company is known for their THeMIS and Multiscope UGVs, the Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle and MIFIK. In February 2023 the EDGE group located in the UAE bought a majority share of the company giving the UAE access to knowledge about the European IMUGS (integrated modular ground system) and CUGS (combined unmanned ground system).

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