The Finnish Minister of Defense, Mr. Antti Kaikkonen has authorized Finnish Defence Forces to purchase Bittium Tactical Wireless IP Network™ (TAC WIN) system products, used for tactical communications. According to the Framework Agreement, Finnish Defence Forces would issue separate purchase orders for the Bittium TAC WIN system products each year. The Ministry of Defence has informed about the authorization today. Bittium and Finnish Defence Forces plan to sign a Framework Agreement of the delivery of Bittium TAC WIN products that covers the years 2021 – 2024, with a total value of approximately EUR 30 million (excl. VAT) at the maximum. The radio units and routers of the software-defined radio system will be in use in all three Service Branches and C5 agency of the Defense Forces.
The Framework Agreement will be a continuation of the several years of cooperation between Finnish Defence Forces and Bittium. It will continue the renewal of the Finnish Defence Forces’ command, control and communications system, where the Software-Defined Radio based Bittium TAC WIN system acts as the backbone for tactical data transfer. The previous agreement was announced on July 6, 2017 and it covered the years 2018 – 2020. Contractual orders have already been delivered to the Finnish Defense Forces in full.The products of the framework agreement are related to several ongoing projects in the Defense Forces, where Bittium TAC WIN provides broadband IP network connections for mobile communication stations and command posts. In the reformed combat doctrine of the Finnish Defence Forces, mobility, leading the troops on the move and effective communications play a key role.

Bittium Tactical Wireless IP Network (TAC WIN) is a Software-Defined Radio based wireless broadband network system intended for military and public safety use. With the system MANET (mobile ad hoc network), link and connection networks can be formed into one logical IP network quickly, no matter what the location is. Bittium TAC WIN is compatible with existing fixed and wireless network infrastructures. The core of the system is a tactical router that enables users to freely form both wired and wireless broadband data transfer IP connections. Tactical router enables also connections to different types of terminals and other communication systems connecting them into one communication network. In addition to the router, the system comprises three types of radio heads, and each radio head covers its own frequency band area and can be used for flexible formation of optimized network topologies for different communication needs.
Bittium Corporation is a Finnish company headquartered in Oulu. On 28 January 2013 Anite plc of the U.K. announced it would acquire the Elektrobit System Test Ltd. subsidiary from Elektrobit Corporation (EB), representing the Propsim portion of EB’s business. The acquisition was effective 1 February 2013. Bittium is an engineering company in wireless businesses. Bittium specialises in the development of secure communications and connectivity solutions. The company’s customer segments include the telecommunications, Internet of Things, and defense industries. The company is specialised in biosignal measuring for cardiology, neurology, rehabilitation, occupational health and sports medicine. MegaKoto Ltd provides arrhythmia monitoring services for its customers such as primary care centers, private clinics and hospitals.