Ground Warfare

Elbit Systems Land Tank Ammunition

Elbit Systems Tank Ammunition
Elbit Systems Tank Ammunition

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Elbit Systems Land is a defense weapon systems house, specializing in the development, manufacture and integration of offensive and defensive solutions for the modern battlefield, homeland security and terror threats. The operational gun and tank ammunition are in service with the IDF and other users, providing the customers with excellent capabilities, performance and customized, affordable solutions.Elbit Systems Land is a defense weapon systems house, specializing in the development, manufacture and integration of offensive and defensive solutions for the modern battlefield, homeland security and terror threats. The advanced systems and products for land, air and naval forces are developed by vertically integrated expert teams based on extensive experience with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other leading armed forces.

Elbit Systems 120 Tank Cartridge
Elbit Systems 120mm Tank Cartridge

Elbit Systems Land’s high-performance tank ammunition array is compliant with NATO and MIL-STD standards. The ammunition dramatically increases the fire power and capabilities of Armored Corps. The 105mm series is certified for any 105mm NATO gun such as M68, L7, F1 and equivalent firing systems. The 120mm series is certified for 120mm NATO smooth-bore guns used by Merkava 3 and 4, Leo2A4/A5/A6, M1A1/A2, K1A1/A2, K2, ARIETA, M60A3 MBTs and approved for firing from NATO 120mm smooth-bore gun systems L44/L55. The 125mm series is certified for T-72 and T-90 firing systems, and the 100mm series is designed to be fired from T54/T54B/T55 MBTs.

Elbit Systems 100 & 125 Tank Cartridge
Elbit Systems 100 & 125mm Tank Cartridge

With the acquisition of IMI, Elbit Systems offers unmatched experience and a comprehensive array of combat-proven, advanced ammunition solutions known for high performance at both short and long ranges. The ammunition is compatible with existing gun systems and is specifically designed for low barrel wear. The practice ammunition delivers identical external ballistics and accuracy to operational cartridges. They are designed to provide realistic, effective training and simulation, and for use in NATO proving grounds with a limited range. At Elbit Systems Land, we emphasize development of innovative tank ammunition, ongoing improvement of existing ammunition, and development of new generations of tank ammunition.

Elbit Systems 105 Tank Cartridge
Elbit Systems 105mm Tank Cartridge

Elbit Systems Land has five facilities that are involved in the manufacture and testing of tank ammunition:
Central Laboratory: R&D unit, develops ammunition, new technologies, performs analysis and simulations, and conducts operational research.
Metal Plant: Proven capabilities include forging, machining, coating and metallurgy inspection laboratory.
Chemical Plant: Manufactures all the energetic materials required for ammunition (propellants, HE, detonators, tracers, pyrotechnic, primers etc).
LAP Plant: the Loading Assembly and Packaging (LAP) plant integrates the ammunition components and sub-assemblies.
Testing Center: Conducts all the static and dynamic tests for components including energetic materials.

Elbit Systems Multi-Purpose Tank Cartridge
Elbit Systems Multi-Purpose Tank Cartridge
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