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AM-35 35mm Naval Gun System


AM-35 35mm Naval Gun System

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The design of AM-35 35mm Naval Gun System has been developed by a consortium, involving the following entities: Warsaw Military University of Technology (Leader), Polish Naval Academy of Gdynia, PIT-RADWAR S.A. company based in Warsaw and ZM Tarnów S.A. company from Tarnów.
The ship artillery system based on the AM-35 naval gun is designed for fighting the air targets at very low up to medium altitudes. The system is an effective weapon against UAVs. It can be used also to fight the sea surface targets. 35 mm Ship Artillery System had been already mounted and implemented on the ORP “Kaszub” Corvette. Not only will the automatic 35 mm naval cannon be suitable for use in the naval applications, but once the test programme is successfully realized, the weapon will also be useful for other armed services.

AM-35 35mm Naval Gun System
AM-35 35mm Naval Gun System

The system consists of the AM-35 automatic gun, the integrated ZGS-158M tracking head, the SHO fire control post and the RSKO backup fire control post. The open architecture of the system, its modularity and scalability enable to integrate the system into the ships of various classes. In the AM-35 naval gun, the 35mm automatic cannon is applied. It is furnished with upgraded dual-sided feeding with linked ammunition ammunition supply from two magazines, to allow alternate feeding two types of ammunition, e.g. ABM and FAPDS-T. Reloading, triggering, the means to program the length of round and choice of the magazine are steered electrohydraulically. Fast exchanged barrel is air-cooled. The gun has its own orientation and inertial navigation system. Double brushless electronically controlled servomotors of the gun traversing and stabilization subsystems, in azimuth and elevation plane, provide high dynamics and precision of the movements. The newest power engineer electronics solutions, as for instance the supercapacitors, are implemented.
AM-35 35mm Naval Gun System
AM-35 35mm Naval Gun System

PIT-RADWAR S.A. is one of the leading suppliers of professional electronic equipment for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland.
For decades, the Company has conducted research and development activities in the field of radar technology, electronic support and measures, C2 systems and related armament systems, especially air defence systems. The products of PIT-RADWAR S.A. are used by all types of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, as well as abroad.
PIT-RADWAR S.A. handles the full supply cycle – starting from setting requirements, through research and development work and production to logistic support offered to the users.

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