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Mawashi Uprise Tactical Exoskeleton


Mawashi Uprise Tactical Exoskeleton

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Mawashi’s Ultralight Passive Ruggedized Integrated Soldier Exoskeleton (UPRISEâ„¢), developed for Special Operations Forces (SOF) is a mechanical system that redirects the load carried by the soldier to the ground. The passive exoskeleton developed by Mawashi is a disruptive technology that has the potential to change the way wars are fought by deeply transforming both Soldier Systems and Load Carriage domains. Actually, lessening the soldier’s burden is one of the top priorities of Armed Forces across the world. For a soldier equipped with the UPRISEâ„¢ exoskeleton, it would be easier to transport its equipment (up to 120lb depending on missions) and its ease and range of motion would not be hampered by the carried weight as it is the case without the exoskeleton on. This will guarantee him dominance and efficiency on the battlefield while being equipped with all the tools and features required by its mission.

Mawashi Uprise Tactical Exoskeleton
Mawashi Uprise Tactical Exoskeleton

Activities involving load transport are one of the major causes of musculoskeletal injuries for soldiers. When carried on long distances, the weight coming from soldier’s equipment, backpack and ballistic plates can cause various injuries that affects at different level the efficiency of the soldier. In addition, heavy loads entail a metabolic expenditure increase for the dismounted soldier, which in turn causes a premature exhaustion. Increase in soldier fatigue has been proven to reduce cognitive functions (reduced efficiency of the soldier in hostile environment) and to raise the risk of injuries, therefore load carriage is responsible for several lesions amongst the military population.
Mawashi Uprise Tactical Exoskeleton
Mawashi Uprise Tactical Exoskeleton

Most common injuries pertaining to load carriage generally affect the legs joints, the musculoskeletal system and the skin. Notably, blisters, lower back pain, metatarsalgia, bone fractures, knee pain and rucksack palsy were observed on many soldiers following intense load carriage sessions. The UPRISEâ„¢ Tactical Exoskeleton fulfils this imperative need to increase soldiers’ protection against injuries that strongly hamper their capacity in theater of operation. Wars taking place more and more in urban environments, soldiers will in a near future have to raise the frequency and duration of their pedestrian displacements, the targeted regions being hard or even impossible to reach with a vehicle.
Mawashi Uprise Tactical Exoskeleton
Mawashi Uprise Tactical Exoskeleton

The UPRISEâ„¢ Tactical Exoskeleton is a complex structure made of high strength titanium that is perfectly adapted to the human body. Through its innovative and ultralight design, this exoskeleton achieve an unparalleled level of freedom of movement. In fact, with less than 1% of resistance to movement, the UPRISEâ„¢ tactical exoskeleton allows for all the movements involved during tactical maneuvers as well as other tasks required by dismounted soldiers and SOF operators. Its ruggedized and unique frame transfers from 50% to 80% of the load carried by warfighter’s shoulders down to the ground.
The UPRISEâ„¢ tactical exoskeleton consist of:
Flexible spine based on human body
Sliding belt for waist rotational degree of freedom
Fully articulated and ergonomic legs
Atlas system for helmet support
Mawashi Uprise Tactical Exoskeleton
Mawashi Uprise Tactical Exoskeleton

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