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Eurosatory 2018: Focus on Arquus, Generate by GICAT and Eden Cluster


Eurosatory 2018: Focus on Arquus, Generate by GICAT and Eden Cluster

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Another busy day for the Army Recognition editorial team at Eurosatory 2018. And for this new daily video coverage, we will put the spotlights on Arquus, GICAT Generate Start-ups and Eden Cluster companies’ latest products:
– Arquus – Latest vehicles, Scarabee 4×4 armored vehicle and new Hornet turret family
– Internest – Innovative Positioning System
– Elika Team – Operational Language Learning
– Aleph Networks – GMSearch Dark
– Uniris – Unbreakable New Blockchain Generation
– Roboost – Drone Blocker
– Wildsteer – Advanced Tactical Knives

Eurosatory 2018: Focus on Arquus, Generate by GICAT and Eden Cluster
Eurosatory 2018: Focus on Arquus, Generate by GICAT and Eden Cluster

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