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Aerial Warfare

Enduring Shield Intercepts Targets in Flight Test


Enduring Shield Intercepts Targets in Flight Test

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Enduring Shield Intercepts Targets in Flight Test
Enduring Shield Intercepts Targets in Flight Test

Leidos and the Program Executive Office (PEO) for Missiles and Space (MS), the Short and Intermediate Effectors for Layered Defense Project Office, and the PEO MS Integrated Fires team, successfully conducted intercepts of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and Cruise Missile (CM) test targets with the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2 (IFPC Inc 2) system. The demonstration highlighted the system’s ability to detect, track, engage and intercept UAS and CM targets in a missile flight test with a surface launched AIM-9X. The test also involved integrating the Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS), Sentinel A3 and Missile Datalink, showcasing the capability to neutralize UAS and CM targets through a live fire.

“We believe this award will let us showcase the ability of the IFPC Inc 2 system to transform warfighting capabilities as it progresses toward being declared operationally ready for our warfighters,” said Larry Barisciano, Senior Vice President and Business Area Manager for Land Systems at Leidos.

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“This event was a testament to our commitment to deliver products critical to supporting our customer stays ahead of our adversaries,” said Dino Pusinsky, Leidos Enduring Shield Product Area Vice President. “It marks another major step forward in evaluating the overall operational capability and lethality of the system.”

Leidos was recently awarded a contract by the U.S. Army Contracting Command – Redstone Arsenal for additional hardware assets in support of the Army’s Enduring Indirect Fires Protection Capability (IFPC) Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E). The hardware includes upgrades to the missile remote communications link and software, in support of the Army’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense architecture. IFPC Inc 2 is a ground-based, mobile system that aims to combat CMs and UASs. The system is a key part of the solution to protect and defend critical civilian and military infrastructure. It also is designed to bridge the gap between tactical short range air defense and strategic systems, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and Patriot forces.

Leidos is a Fortune 500® innovation company rapidly addressing the world’s most vexing challenges in national security and health. The company’s global workforce of 48,000 collaborates to create smarter technology solutions for customers in heavily regulated industries. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, Leidos reported annual revenues of approximately $15.4 billion for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2023.

Enduring Shield has successfully completed a vital test and generated a new contract for the Leidos team. This photo of a prototype was taken in December 2023 during a delivery celebration for the program. (Photo by Leidos)
Enduring Shield has successfully completed a vital test and generated a new contract for the Leidos team. This photo of a prototype was taken in December 2023 during a delivery celebration for the program. (Photo by Leidos)

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