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Aerial Warfare

Second Testing of Lithuanian Combat Drones Concluded Successfully in Ukraine


Second Testing of Lithuanian Combat Drones Concluded Successfully in Ukraine

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Second Testing of Lithuanian Combat Drones Concluded Successfully in Ukraine
Second Testing of Lithuanian Combat Drones Concluded Successfully in Ukraine

The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine carried out a repeat testing of combat drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) from Lithuanian manufacturers near Kyiv in a battlefield-realistic environment. The tests are conducted as Ukraine picks the products that match the requirements of its military best. This time, five Lithuanian drone manufacturers demonstrated products adjusted according to Ukrainian notes. The Lithuanian drones taken for testing to Ukraine differ in technical parameters, components and inbuilt innovations. The Ukrainian side evaluated the samples and gave feedback.

Shortly, Lithuanian manufacturers will be invited to give the final proposals and sign contracts based on the evaluation done and proposals put forward by the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. EUR5 million have been earmarked in assistance to UKRAine for drone procurement from Lithuanian manufacturers, Lithuania will buy the same kind of equipment for the Lithuanian Armed Forces for up to EUR 3 million as well. The Ministry of National Defence attached great importance to the development of drones capability, an UAV ecosystem that will embrace a soldier, a student and a rifleman alike.

511 Tactical

“Lithuania promotes production of drones and drone jamming equipment. It is a very relevant area to the Ukrainian side as well. The Ukrainians are sharing experience in drone effectiveness on the battlefield, testing drones of Lithuanian manufacturers and will sign contracts with the companies producing the ones they pick. It is a significant encouragement and step in forward to our drone manufacturers because drone technology and capability is one of the indispensable for a modern military,” said Minister of National Defence Laurynas Kačiūnas.

In early July the Defence Materiel Agency under the MoD also signed contracts on acquisition of different types of drones: small class surveillance uncrewed aircraft systems from a Latvian company Edge Autonomy, mini class surveillance drones from an Estonian Threod Systems. A contract was signed also on micro class drones (quadcopters) from Deftools UAB. The acquisitions stand at a value of nearly EUR 36 million. Most of the equipment will be delivered this autumn and the remained – in early 2025. The procurement is conducted as a matter of urgency to strengthen the drone capability and integrate it into the Lithuanian Armed Forces as soon as possible.

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