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US State Department Approves Sale of Communications Equipments to Poland


US State Department Approves Sale of Communications Equipments to Poland

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L3Harris Falcon® IV AN/PRC-167 Multi-channel Manpack
L3Harris Falcon® IV AN/PRC-167 Multi-channel Manpack

The U.S. State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Poland of Communications Equipment and related elements of logistics and program support for an estimated cost of $255 million. The Government of Poland has requested to buy communications equipment, including AN/PRC-117G, AN/PRC-152A, AN/PRC-158, AN/PRC-160, AN/PRC-163, and AN/PRC-167 radios; Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers enabled by Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) or M-Code; support equipment; spare parts; technical manuals and publications; new equipment training; U.S. Government and contractor technical engineering, logistics, and personnel services; and other related elements of logistics and program support. The principal contractor will be L3Harris Technologies, Inc., Melbourne, FL.

AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Multiband Networking Manpack Radio
AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Multiband Networking Manpack Radio. (Photo by L3Harris Technologies)

The L3Harris Multiband Networking Manpack Radio is software defined, supporting in-field upgrades as new capabilities emerge. Equipped with MUOS-ready hardware, the 117G extends communications Beyond-Line-Of-Sight (BLOS) with abilities for simultaneous SATCOM voice and data transmission. When paired with L3Harris RF-7800B Broadband Global Area Network terminals, the manpack delivers automatic range extension of SATCOM BLOS communications along with Internet and remote private network access. The L3Harris Falcon III AN/PRC-152A provides simultaneous voice, video and high-speed data in a highly portable form factor. Employing the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) and L3Harris Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2®C) this handheld delivers ad-hoc, self-healing and adaptive networking capabilities to dismounted soldiers on the move.

511 Tactical
AN/PRC-152A Wideband Networking Handheld Radio
AN/PRC-152A Wideband Networking Handheld Radio. (Photo by L3Harris Technologies)

Designed for forward-deployed teams, the L3Harris Falcon® IV AN/PRC-158 Multi-channel Manpack delivers superior communications security along with mission flexibility. Compact, powerful and modular, this two-channel solution covers the full 30-2500 MHz frequency range and is 30% smaller than similar products. The AN/PRC-160(V) is the market’s only standalone solution for Beyond-Line-Of-Sight communications in the absence of satellite. This wideband system is also the world’s first and only HF manpack meeting all NSA crypto-modernization standards. Its software-defined architecture allows encryption updates, so mission-critical information stays secure–today and into the future.

AN/PRC-158 Multi-channel Manpack
AN/PRC-158 Multi-channel Manpack. (Photo by L3Harris Technologies)

AN/PRC-163 Multi-channel Handheld Radio, share voice, data and full motion video across networks with the all-in-one radio system that does the work of multiple devices, including GPS, Inline Encryption (INE) and satellite communications. Extend the reach of real-time intelligence from command to squad level with seamless crossbanding of SATCOM, Line-of-Sight (LOS) and Beyond Line-of-Sight (BLOS) networks. Access encrypted data from a wide variety of platforms and sensors, while simultaneously networking up to 200 users. The L3Harris Falcon® IV AN/PRC-167 Multi-channel Manpack harnesses the power of multiple tactical devices converged into a single manpack. The radio overcomes extreme distances, geographical barriers and adversarial EW aggression to provide robust and simultaneous, fully redundant dual-channel connectivity.

AN/PRC-160(V) Wideband HF/VHF Manpack Radio
AN/PRC-160(V) Wideband HF/VHF Manpack Radio. (Photo by L3Harris Technologies)

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