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US Navy and MDA Successfully Intercept Multiple Targets In Integrated Air Defense Test


US Navy and MDA Successfully Intercept Multiple Targets In Integrated Air Defense Test

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US Navy and MDA Successfully Intercept Multiple Targets In Integrated Air Defense Test
US Navy and MDA Successfully Intercept Multiple Targets In Integrated Air Defense Test

U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS CARL M. LEVIN (DDG 120) successfully intercepted multiple targets in an Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) test executed by the U.S. Navy Program Executive Office Integrated Warfare Systems and the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) from the Pacific Missile Range Facility, Kauai, Hawaii. The joint test, known as Vigilant Wyvern, demonstrated the capability of a ballistic missile defense-configured Aegis ship to detect, track, engage and execute intercepts of two short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) targets while concurrently demonstrating an Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) engagement of two subsonic anti-ship cruise missile drone targets.

“The success of Vigilant Wyvern is a huge milestone. The Navy and MDA successfully demonstrated the tremendous capability of Aegis ships defending against an IAMD raid scenario. This test event is the first of its kind and an excellent example of collaboration between organizations, further progressing a unified mission to increase capability. Congratulations to the joint test team and the ship’s crew for an excellent event,” said RDML Seiko Okano, Program Executive Officer Integrated Warfare Systems.

511 Tactical
 Two short-range ballistic missile targets are launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) in Kauai, Hawaii, as part of Vigilant Wyvern/Flight Test Aegis Weapon System-48, a joint test of the U.S. Navy Program Executive Officer Integrated Warfare Systems and the Missile Defense Agency (MDA).
Two short-range ballistic missile targets are launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) in Kauai, Hawaii, as part of Vigilant Wyvern/Flight Test Aegis Weapon System-48, a joint test of the U.S. Navy Program Executive Officer Integrated Warfare Systems and the Missile Defense Agency (MDA). (Photo by Missile Defense Agency)

“The success of this joint test represents a critical step in defending against multiple targets in a realistic raid scenario. The Aegis weapon system successfully defeated multiple concurrent attacks, showcasing the incredible versatility of both this system and the crew of the USS CARL M. LEVIN. My congratulations to the entire test team in achieving this milestone,” said RDML Douglas Williams, MDA Acting Director.

This realistic, live-fire raid scenario represented one of the largest IAMD events ever conducted in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Area of Responsibility and demonstrated for the first time a concurrent Ballistic Missile Defense and Anti-Air Warfare raid. The test, designated Flight Test Aegis Weapon System-48 (FTM-48) by the MDA, demonstrated the IAMD engagement of two SRBM targets with two Standard Missile 3 Block IA (SM-3 Blk IA) interceptors, and engagement of two subsonic anti-ship cruise missile drone targets with four SM-2 Blk IIIA interceptors. As part of the IAMD Priority Mode, ships can integrate classic air defense with new discrimination and tracking capabilities to defend against coordinated, simultaneous missile attacks. PEO IWS and the MDA jointly executed Vigilant Wyvern/FTM-48. Targets were launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility, located on Kauai, Hawaii.

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