Defense Career
Naval Warfare

Turkish Naval Forces Completes Acceptance Tests of STM’s GEMED Project


Turkish Naval Forces Completes Acceptance Tests of STM’s GEMED Project

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Turkish Naval Forces Completes Acceptance Tests of STM's GEMED Project
Turkish Naval Forces Completes Acceptance Tests of STM's GEMED Project

Developing advanced technologies in the Turkish defence industry, STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.S. continues to equip the Turkish Army with indigenous and innovative software systems. STM has successfully completed the acceptance tests of the Naval Warfare Effectiveness Analysis Model (GEMED). Operations will first be experimented in virtual environment before actual field application. Developed by Turkish engineers, GEMED provides decision support for ship design/modernization, procurement and tactical development. More than 40 operations, in naval, air and underwater domain, have been ran and tested so far. The analysts can assign different tasks to relevant platform models and even create conditional plans. Through multiple runs, experimental design and multi-criteria decision-making techniques; different platform-system configurations and tactics might be inspected in varying environmental conditions.

“We are strengthening our Navy by producing modern, national platforms. In addition to that, we are developing software systems that will add intelligence to these platforms and supply decision support to their headquarters. As a simulation-based decision support solution, GEMED will allow our Naval Forces to evaluate the combat effectiveness of existing -or designed- military platforms and their applied -or proposed- tactics by providing scientific decision support . We have developed models of nearly 100 combat elements and their subsystems. These platform, sensor, weapon, and countermeasure models will allow effectiveness analyses for surface, underwater and air operations. Battle scenarios might be tested many times in a virtual environment before being actually applied in the field. GEMED will increase our Naval Forces’ combat readiness level”, Commenting on the project, Özgür Güleryüz, General Manager of STM said.

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