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Turkey Conducts Successful First Test of SIPER Urun 2 Long-Range Air Defense Missile


Turkey Conducts Successful First Test of SIPER Urun 2 Long-Range Air Defense Missile

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Turkey Conducts Successful First Test of SIPER Urun 2 Long-Range Air Defense Missile
Turkey Conducts Successful First Test of SIPER Urun 2 Long-Range Air Defense Missile

The Turkish Defense Industries Presidency (SSB) announced on Friday that it had successfully conducted the first test of the SIPER Ürün 2 long-range air defense missile. The test was conducted at the Sinop Test Range in northern Turkey and involved the firing of a SIPER missile at a high-speed target aircraft. The missile successfully intercepted and destroyed the target, demonstrating its ability to defend against a wide range of airborne threats. The SIPER Ürün 2 is a next-generation air defense missile that is designed to replace the aging Hawk system currently in service with the Turkish military. It has a range of over 150 kilometers and can engage targets at altitudes of up to 30,000 meters. The missile is also equipped with advanced radar and electronic warfare systems that make it resistant to jamming and other countermeasures.

The successful test of the SIPER Ürün 2 is a significant milestone for the Turkish defense industry. It demonstrates Turkey’s growing capabilities in the development of advanced air defense systems and its commitment to self-reliance in defense. The SIPER Ürün 2 is expected to enter service with the Turkish military in 2023 and will help to strengthen Turkey’s air defense capabilities. In addition to the SIPER Urun 2, Turkey is also developing a number of other air defense systems, including the Hisar-A and Hisar-O systems. These systems are designed to provide a layered air defense network that can protect Turkey from a variety of airborne threats. The development of these advanced air defense systems is part of Turkey’s efforts to modernize its military and deter potential threats. It also reflects Turkey’s growing role as a regional power.

511 Tactical

SIPER is a long-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) air defense system that is currently under development in Turkey. Designed to defend against any type of airborne threat, it can fight aircraft, cruise missiles, air-to-ground missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It was jointly developed in Turkey by the companies Roketsan, Aselsan and the research institute TUBITAK SAGE. The SIPER system project was launched by the Defence Industries Presidency in 2018. The missile is developed by Roketsan and the most sensors and electronics by Aselsan. During the first firing test, which took place at the test range in Sinop, northern Turkey end December 2022, the SIPER Block 1 missile successfully demonstrated the ability to detect, track and hit a high-speed target aircraft at a range exceeding 100 km (62 mi). It is capable of fighting aircraft, cruise missiles, air-to-ground missiles and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

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