Defense Career
Aerial Warfare

Airflite Awarded Australian DoD Contract to Deliver Aeronautical Life Support Equipment


Airflite Awarded Australian DoD Contract to Deliver Aeronautical Life Support Equipment

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Airflite Awarded Australian DoD Contract to Deliver Aeronautical Life Support Equipment
Airflite Awarded Australian DoD Contract to Deliver Aeronautical Life Support Equipment

The Australian Department of Defence (DoD) has awarded a contract to Airflite Pty Ltd deliver Aeronautical Life Support Equipment (ALSE) to be used in aircrafts and helicopters that will operate across the Australian Defence Force (ADF). After a competitive tender process, Airflite Pty Ltd was awarded a contract covering the whole ALSE life-cycle. This will encompass design, development, production, operation, maintenance, and disposal.

Head of Aerospace Systems, Air Vice-Marshal Graham Edwards said,“The $16 million contract would provide technical services to ensure the readiness of critical ALSE to support all ADF aviators. This will allow Defence to establish an ALSE enterprise that delivers best practice and high-performance capability to a growing number of complex aviation platforms for the ADF. This approach will give the Australian defence industry the opportunity to grow and respond to Defence’s capability needs as required.”

511 Tactical

Approximately 80 per cent of Australian Defence Force (ADF) Aeronautical Life Support Equipment (ALSE) is shared across multiple aircraft platforms. ALSE includes helmets and oxygen masks, inflatable life rafts and vests, load carriage and restraint harnesses, flares, radios and signalling devices for post evacuation survival and night vision devices.

Airflite Pty Ltd is a wholly Australian-owned and operated aviation services company that supports commercial and defence aviation sectors. Airflite Pty Ltd will establish a new facility in Moorabbin, Victoria while leveraging additional support from their current facility in Perth, Western Australia. This contract will support the hiring of new personnel based in Moorabbin, Victoria.

Airflite Awarded Australian DoD Contract to Deliver Aeronautical Life Support Equipment
Managing Director Airflite Pty Ltd, Mr Homer Constantinides and Officer Commanding Surveillance and Response Systems Program Office (SRSPO) Group Captain Alison MacCarthy sign the Aeronautical Life Support Equipment (ALSE) Support contract surrounded by members of SRSPO. (Photo by CPL Brenton Kwaterski/Australian Government Department of Defence)

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