The first operational test firings of the “Mala Narew” system took place on June 22 at the Central Air Force Training Range in Ustka, with the Minister of National Defense in attendance. The delivery of this equipment to the Polish Army occurred in October of last year, specifically to the 18th Mechanized Division responsible for defending the eastern part of Poland. The air-defense regiment is now well-prepared to safeguard the Polish skies. Simultaneously, training is underway for soldiers from the 15th Anti-Aircraft Regiment, a component of the 16th Mechanized Division responsible for securing the north-eastern region of the country. The introduction of the “Mala Narew” system into the Polish Armed Forces will revolutionize the defense of Polish airspace. It incorporates short-range multi-channel anti-aircraft systems, each equipped with multiple targeting channels, enabling the engagement of multiple targets simultaneously.
“We have just witnessed a historic event – an event that marks a significant departure from the past in terms of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems. The equipment used in this exercise represents a complete departure from the post-Soviet era, employing entirely different operational methods. During the briefing, I had the opportunity to inquire about the comparison between the newly utilized iLauncher sets of the “Mala Narew” system and the older Kub and Mew systems. The commanders of the Polish Army unanimously declared that no scale of comparison can adequately capture the advancements made. We have entered a new epoch. The Polish Army now possesses the appropriate and effective weaponry to safeguard our skies against such threats. In fact, very soon, before the end of this month, our skilled soldiers will commence the use of this modern equipment for Poland’s anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense,” stated Mariusz Blaszczak, Minister of National Defense, during his visit to Ustka.

The primary objective of the “Mala Narew” short-range anti-aircraft system is to provide protection to troops and facilities within the operational area. Additionally, it complements the medium-range “WISLA” anti-aircraft and anti-missile missile systems, operating at low altitudes as part of the national and allied air defense system. The “Mala Narew” project is a crucial component of the integrated air and missile defense system currently under development. These modern missile systems are capable of effectively countering numerous airborne threats simultaneously. The project involves the establishment of short-range missile capabilities, utilizing existing elements within the Polish Armed Forces, such as radar stations, armament control devices, launchers, transport and loading vehicles, and British-produced missiles from the CAMM (Common Anti-Air Modular Missile) family. The swift progress and successful implementation of this project serve as a testament to the exceptional military-industrial cooperation, with the invaluable involvement of our strategic partner from the United Kingdom.
The CAMM (Common Anti-Air Modular Missile) is a family of surface-to-air missiles developed by MBDA UK for the United Kingdom. CAMM shares some common features and components with the ASRAAM air-to-air missile, but with updated electronics and an active radar homing seeker. As Sea Ceptor, CAMM is replacing the Sea Wolf missile on Type 23 frigates of the Royal Navy since 2018. As Land Ceptor, it is the missile part of the Sky Sabre air defence system, which since 2021 has been replacing the Rapier missile in British Army service. The system is also contributing to the updating of MBDA’s ASRAAM in service with the Royal Air Force. CAMM was selected as part of Poland’s Narew ground-based air defence system in November 2021. In April 2022, Poland bought two CAMM system fire units (1 battery) as a bridge solution until the target version for the Narew program was developed. The set includes a total of 6 iLaunchers (3 per fire unit), 2 ZDPSR Sola radars, Polish command system and transport vehicles, and a supply of missiles.