Defense Career
Aerial Warfare

Parsons Awarded US Air Force Contract for Air-base Air-defense (ABAD) Capabilities


Parsons Awarded US Air Force Contract for Air-base Air-defense (ABAD) Capabilities

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Parsons Awarded US Air Force Contract for Air-base Air-defense (ABAD) Capabilities
Parsons Awarded US Air Force Contract for Air-base Air-defense (ABAD) Capabilities

Parsons Corporation announced the award of an $18 million task order to include air-base air-defense (ABAD) capabilities that address threats ranging from unmanned aerial systems to cruise missiles against U.S. Air Forces-Europe (USAFE) and Air Forces Africa (AFAFRICA) bases across the Europe and Africa theatre. The task order has one base year with two option years and will be performed at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. In 2021, Parsons won a 10-year, $953 million single-award indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract for USAFE and AFARICA to design, mature, procure, integrate, operate, and maintain ABAD systems across the European and African continent areas of responsibility.

“The global threat environment continues evolving at a rapid pace that is exceeding our existing air defense approach and requires more flexible, innovative solutions to ensure force protection,” said John Scarlett, Parsons ABAD program manager. “Our team is partnering with the Air Force to continue transforming the battlespace by developing scalable, responsive, all-domain air base defense systems that quickly detect, alert, deny, and defeat threats ranging from across the spectrum.”

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Parsons will be responsible for consolidation of ABAD technical baseline capabilities at the Ramstein Air Defense Systems Integration Laboratory (RADSIL) integration annex, establishing an ABAD training capability, developing an operational ABAD early warning capability, and producing the ABAD technical baseline and providing systems engineering support. Parsons touches every aspect of the all-domain battlespace: from space operations to edge computing and full-spectrum cyber; to ground-based command and control systems. The company’s proven operational capabilities ensure all-domain superiority and information dominance to accelerate decision making in permissive through highly contested environments.

Parsons Corporation (Parsons) is an American technology-focused defense, intelligence, security, and infrastructure engineering firm headquartered in Centreville, Virginia. The company was founded in 1944. Parsons is a leading disruptive technology provider in the national security and global infrastructure markets, with capabilities across cyber, space and missile defense, transportation, environmental remediation, urban development, and critical infrastructure protection. Parsons has more than 16,000 employees across 24 countries. Parsons Corporation (Parsons) is an American technology-focused defense, intelligence, security, and infrastructure engineering firm headquartered in Centreville, Virginia. The company was founded in 1944.

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