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Aerial Warfare

Canadian Armed Forces Accelerates Acquisition of Anti-tank and Air Defence System Capabilities


Canadian Armed Forces Accelerates Acquisition of Anti-tank and Air Defence System Capabilities

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Canadian Army conduct an 84mm and M72 Light Anti-Tank Weapon range in the training area of Adazi Military Base, Latvia.
Canadian Army Carl Gustaf 8.4cm recoilless rifle

On March 9th at the Ottawa Conference on Security and Defence hosted by the Conference of Defence Associations Institute, the Government of Canada is continually working to equip anadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel with the tools that they need to protect Canada. Following Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, an analysis of the Canadian Armed Forces’ urgent needs led to the designation of air defence, counter-uncrewed aircraft system, and anti-tank weapon system capabilities as Urgent Operational Requirements (UOR) for the Canadian Armed Forces. To that end, as outlined in Canada’s defence policy, the Government of Canada are increasing defence investments by over 70 percent between 2017 and 2026. Today at the Ottawa Conference on Security and Defence hosted by the Conference of Defence Associations Institute, Defence Minister Anita Anand updated industry partners, stakeholders, and defence experts on work to protect Canadians, by announcing that Canada will be acquiring Portable Anti-X Missile systems, Counter Uncrewed Aircraft Systems, and Air Defence Systems as Urgent Operational Requirements (UORs). The urgent procurement of these capabilities will improve the self-protection of military members deployed in Eastern Europe as part of Operation REASSURANCE.

CGI Rendition of Canadian Army Project Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle tested from 2005 to 2006. It is armed with four ADATS missiles, two IRIS-T surface-to-air missiles and two CRV7 rocket pods.
CGI Rendition of Canadian Army Project Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle tested from 2005 to 2006. It is armed with four ADATS missiles, two IRIS-T surface-to-air missiles and two CRV7 rocket pods.(Photo by Jimderkaisser)

The Portable Anti-X Missile systems (PAXM) – Urgent Operational Requirement project will provide PAXM systems including missiles, simulators and associated support to empower the CAF personnel deployed with the Canada-led multinational NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Latvia with training and the capability to destroy main battle tanks. As part of this streamlined procurement process, it is expected a Request for Proposal will be issued in the coming months with a contract award in mid-2023.

511 Tactical

The Counter Uncrewed Aircraft System – Urgent Operational Requirement (CUAS UOR) project will provide a CUAS capability that will provide protection measures against hostile Class 1 UAS for CAF personnel deployed in the Operation REASSURANCE theatre of operations. A Request for Information was issued on March 2, 2023. The project will be executed with a phased implementation approach. A contract award for Dismounted Equipment and Fixed Site Systems is estimated for Fall 2023. A contract award for Vehicle Mounted, Fully Integrated Systems is estimated for early 2024.

The Air Defence – Urgent Operational Requirement (AD UOR) project will acquire a soldier portable Very-Short Range Air Defence System (VSHORAD) for the NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Latvia in order to defeat attack aircraft and Class 1 UAS within its area of operations. A Request for Information is expected to be issued in March 2023 and a Request for Proposal is expected during Summer 2023. The timeframe for contract award is currently estimated for early 2024.

Canadian Army conduct an 84mm and M72 Light Anti-Tank Weapon range in the training area of Adazi Military Base, Latvia.
Members of Duke’s Company with the enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Latvia, conduct a 84mm and M72 Light Anti-Tank Weapon range in the training area of ?daži Military Base, Latvia on December 26, 2018. (Photo by Canadian Armed Forces)

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