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Naval Warfare

Costa Rica Coast Guard Receives New Metal Shark Near Coastal Patrol Vessel (NCPV)


Costa Rica Coast Guard Receives New Metal Shark Near Coastal Patrol Vessel (NCPV)

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Costa Rica Coast Guard Metal Shark Near Coastal Patrol Vessel (NCPV)
Costa Rica Coast Guard Metal Shark Near Coastal Patrol Vessel (NCPV)

Shipbuilder Metal Shark recently delivered an 85 ft (25.9 m) welded aluminium Near Coastal Patrol Vessel (NCPV) to the Costa Rica Coast Guard. Powered by twin CAT C-32 diesel inboards and carrying a 5.6-meter, twin outboard-powered Metal Shark RIB that is deployed and retrieved via an integrated stern slipway, the 85’ x 22’ NCPV boasts a 700 nm range and supports a 10-person crew on patrol missions for up to ten days. Metal Shark is aggressively hiring to support robust demand, which includes multiple additional NCPVs being built for the US Navy the Navy’s 40 PB patrol boat fleet, a wide range of fireboats and law enforcement vessels, the USMC’s autonomous LRUSV, and numerous commercial builds.

This is the fifth Metal Shark NCPV to be completed out of a 13-boat, $54 million US Navy contract aimed at increasing the naval presence of US allies across Latin America and the Caribbean. The new vessel was acquired for USD5.5 million under a regional programme funded by the US Department of State and US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) to enhance maritime security and counter-drug missions in the Caribbean and Central America. Previous Metal Shark NCPV deliveries include Panama, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador. The NCPV program continues in force, with multiple vessels currently under construction. Near Coastal Patrol Vessels are based on 85 Defiant design, which is tailored by Metal Shark to suit the requirements of the Latin American navies.

511 Tactical
Costa Rica Coast Guard Metal Shark Near Coastal Patrol Vessel (NCPV)
Costa Rica Coast Guard Metal Shark Near Coastal Patrol Vessel (NCPV)

The Metal Shark 85 Defiant is a welded aluminum monohull patrol vessel utilizing the globally proven hull form of Damen Shipyards’ 2606 Standardized Patrol platform. This well-regarded design has been highly optimized by Metal Shark’s in-house design team to suit the requirements of today’s military operators. The 85 Defiant is designed to support a wide range of missions including search and rescue, border patrol, police and customs duties, counter-narcotics operations, and securing waters of economic importance. Key attributes of this craft include excellent performance and seakeeping, large payload capacity, economical operating cost, proven durability, and modern crew-friendly design.

The 85 Defiant serves as an ideal mothership in support of extended offshore and nearshore patrol operations. The vessel has been designed to support a crew of 10+ personnel and is capable of remaining at sea for extended periods. The 85 Defiant boasts a modern, crew-friendly design with an efficient deck arrangement offering ample payload capacity while allowing for safe and surefooted passage from bow to stern. Wide, non-skid walkways feature low-level LED lighting for night missions, and careful consideration has been given to the placement of all ladders, rails, and grab handles. The RIB’s twin 50-HP four-stroke outboards and ten-person capacity greatly enhance the 85 Defiant’s versatility. In typical configuration, the 85 Defiant’s aft deck cargo capacity is up to four tons, with total vessel deadweight (fuel, persons, cargo, etc.) rated at 20 tons.

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