Cyber WarfareGround Warfare

General Dynamics Awarded $482 Million to Support Prophet Enhanced SIGINT Systems

Prophet Ground-based Tactical Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT)/Electronic Warfare (EW) Vehicles.
Prophet Ground-based Tactical Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT)/Electronic Warfare (EW) Vehicles.

General Dynamics Mission Systems Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona, was awarded a $481,578,860 hybrid (cost-no-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee and firm-fixed-price) contract for sustainment of Prophet Enhanced detecting systems. Prophet is a 24-hour, all weather, near-real-time, ground-based, tactical signals intelligence/electronic warfare capability organic to the brigade combat team (BCT), Stryker BCT (SBCT), and battlefield surveillance brigade. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 31, 2028. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

Prophet is fielded with Prophet Enhanced sensors and a Prophet Control (PC). Prophet provides actionable intelligence, situational understanding, and force protection. It is interoperable on the global signals intelligence enterprise, delivering collected data to common databases for access by the intelligence community. Prophet’s tactical mobility allows supported units to easily reposition its collection capability on the battlefield to support evolving situations. Prophet Enhanced is a platform-independent modular system that will allow easy integration onto a vehicle. Prophet Enhanced supports stationary, on-the-move (mobile) and Manpack operations.

Prophet Ground-based Tactical Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT)/Electronic Warfare (EW) Vehicle.
Prophet Ground-based Tactical Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT)/Electronic Warfare (EW) Vehicle. (Photo by General Dynamics Mission Systems Inc.)

Prophet Enhanced has a wideband beyond-line-of-sight capability, which is based on the present Project Manager Warfighter Information Network–Tactical (WIN-T) architecture. This capability allows the system to operate at extended distance and perform distributed operations. PC/Prophet Analytic Cell (PAC) is the analytical node that tasks the Prophet Enhanced for data collection and reporting. Each PC/PAC contains satellite communications (SATCOM). The PC has Trojan-lightweight integrated telecommunications equipment (T Lite) and PAC has a SATCOM capability set. PC is integrated on an armored M1165 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle and PAC is transported on a trailer.

General Dynamics Mission Systems is a business unit of American defense and aerospace company General Dynamics. The company integrates secure communication and information systems and technology. General Dynamics Mission Systems was formed in January 2015 when General Dynamics combined the company’s C4 Systems and Advanced Information Systems. The company has core manufacturing in secure communications networks; radios and satellite technology for the defense, cyber, public safety, and intelligence communities. General Dynamics Corporation (GD) is an American publicly traded, aerospace and defense corporation headquartered in Reston, Virginia. The company is a Fortune 100 company, and was ranked No. 94 in 2022.

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