The Czech Army’s 53rd Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Regiment has unveiled a prototype of a new mobile electronic warfare (EW) system STARKOM (STAvebnicovy Rusic KOMunikacni, Modular Communication Jammer). The system was developed and manufactured state-owned VVU Brno military research institute by in only three years. The software (SW) and key hardware components related to EW provided by specialised Czech jamming systems manufacturer URC Systems, supported by systems engineering company JISR Institute. STAR COM is the modular tactical jamming system enabling the disruption, neutralization and deception of the enemy communication in VHF, UHF, SHF bands including GSM bands of mobile networks. It can be integrated in a complex Electronic Warfare system (EWIS) or it can work autonomously with its own ESM subsystem (SYMON).
STARKOM is a modular tactical jammer mounted on a Tatra Force T-815-7T3RC1 8×8 chassis with an extended wheelbase designed to jam aerial and land targets on the operational-tactical level. It has the ability to counter including modern frequency-agile systems such as frequency-hopping ones. It jams enemy analog and digital voice and data communications in the very-high-frequency/ultra-high frequency/super-high frequency (VHF/UHF/SHF) bands, including Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) bands of mobile networks. The system is not only used for powerful jamming across the tactical waveband for electronic countermeasures but can also be used for electronic support measures as a radio reconnaissance, direction-finding, and surveillance sensor that can conduct a detailed analysis of enemy radio signals.

- Reactive jamming, including fast hopping signals
- Quick electronic attack
- Smart jamming algorithms
- Radio Reconnaissance and Surveillance sensor (ESM) capabilities
- Mobile platform provides high probability of survival on the battlefield
- Freq. range: 30 MHz – 6 GHz
- Modulation signal types: AM, FM, CW, FSK and PSK
- Scanning speed 107 GHz/s
Consortium of JISR Institute and URC Systems presented and demonstrated the communication jamming system STAR COM (in cooperation with Czech Armed Forces), STAR jammer solution for UAV systems (in cooperation with LIAZ) and the JUPITER operations and communications centre (in cooperation with SEFOR Solutions and police representatives from Prague) in Lipnik nad Becvou. JISR Institute in cooperation with URC Systems presented and demonstrated integration and sharing of ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) and EW (Electronic Warfare) data and information based on NATO standards CESMO and CSD. The jammer’s electronic protective measures capability facilitates jamming of radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIEDs) triggered from various sources, covering all frequency spectrums of, for example, commercial radios, radio-controlled models, mobile phones, WiFi, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).