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British Military to Receive 60 BvS10 All-Terrain Vehicles Under International Agreement


British Military to Receive 60 BvS10 All-Terrain Vehicles Under International Agreement

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BAE System BvS10 All-Terrain Vehicles
BAE System BvS10 All-Terrain Vehicles

Under the international Collaborative All-Terrain Vehicle (CATV) programme – including Sweden and Germany – the UK Commando Force will receive 60 Future All-Terrain Vehicles (FATV) starting from February 2025, under a £140 million contract. The deal will see a total of 436 of the vehicles delivered by BAE Systems across the three European partners, with the engines for all FATVs produced by Cummins in Darlington. The vehicles will be used by the Navy’s Littoral Response Groups – bespoke, highly-mobile amphibious task groups designed to react to crises in regions strategically important to the UK. Capable of operating in the harshest weather conditions and most remote environments, the amphibious, multi-role, armoured vehicle will include variants of vehicles for troop transport, logistics, medical evacuation, recovery, and command and control.

Brigadier Mark Totten, Navy Deputy Director Acquisition, said:”The signing of the CATV contract is great news for UK Defence and for Commando Forces. This is a unique capability – fundamental for Commando Forces that are expert in operating in the extreme cold weather and across the littoral. The vehicle boasts a number of characteristics that make it perfect for the Future Commando Force: it is adept over snow, has amphibious swimming capability and protects its occupants from several threats.”

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Defence Procurement Minister, Alex Chalk said:”We continue to equip our Armed Forces with the most mobile and resilient capabilities, to support them in operations around the world and Future All-Terrain Vehicles for the Royal Navy are another example of this. This tri-lateral agreement with Sweden and Germany serves to strengthen key alliances and improve interoperability.”

BAE System BvS10 All-Terrain Vehicles
BAE System BvS10 All-Terrain Vehicles

The BvS10 (Bandvagn Skyddad 10, referred to as the All Terrain Vehicle (protected) – ATV(P) or Viking by the UK forces) is a tracked articulated amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle produced by BAE Systems Land Systems Hägglunds of Sweden. The BvS10 is similar to, but distinct from, Hägglunds earlier Bandvagn 206 or Bv 206S. It is a much larger vehicle based upon the characteristic twin-cab, articulated frame-steering system typical of Hägglunds all-terrain vehicles. The main differences from the older Bv206s are a more powerful Cummins 5.9 litre diesel engine, improved ground clearance, and newly developed chassis, power train and steering units that give the vehicle considerably enhanced speed (up to 65 km/h) and comfort on road and in terrain, as well as greater load-carrying capability.

Working alongside our European and Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) Arctic partners in the High North, FATVs will be in-service until 2058, replacing the BV206 tracked and older BvS 10 ‘Viking’ models. Their articulated mobility systems provide optimal manoeuvrability across varying terrains so they can traverse snow, ice, rock, sand, mud or swamps, as well as steep mountain environments. The vehicles’ amphibious feature also allows them to swim in flooded areas or coastal waters, and a logistics variant can carry 6 tonnes of equipment. Progressing to contract is a clear statement of the UK’s strong commitment to High North and to working alongside our NATO and JEF partners. The FATV has a front cabin to accommodate the driver with three fully equipped marines, and a rear cabin which can carry eight fully equipped marines or be fitted for a variety of different purposes including short range air defence.

BAE System BvS10 All-Terrain Vehicles
BAE System BvS10 All-Terrain Vehicles

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