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Japan Government to Consider Export of Used Armored Vehicles and Guided Missiles


Japan Government to Consider Export of Used Armored Vehicles and Guided Missiles

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Komatsu LAV-mounted Type 01 LMAT anti-tank guided missile
Komatsu LAV-mounted Type 01 LMAT anti-tank guided missile

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) reported that has reported that Japan Government is giving consideration into the export of used armored vehicles and missiles from Japan Self-Defense Forces (Jieitai; JSDF) to other nations. The report said these weapons will be transferred free of charge to Asian countries. The change in policy could be indicated in the National Security Strategy that is being publish by end of this year. The Nikkei says once this new policy is accepted, it will be put into practice next year. It will be necessary to revise the guidelines of the current “Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment” and the Self-Defense Forces Law.

On April 1, 2014, the Government of Japan set out the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology as a set of clear principles on the overseas transfer of defense equipment and technology that fits the new security environment. While maintaining its basic philosophy as a peace-loving nation that conforms to the Charter of the United Nations and the course it has taken as a peace-loving nation, Japan will control the overseas transfer of defense equipment and technology based on the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology.

511 Tactical

The Government of Japan will in principle oblige the Government of the recipient country to gain its prior consent regarding extra-purpose use and transfer to third parties. Main contents of the Principles are as follows;
1. Clarification of cases where transfers are prohibited
2. Limitation to cases where transfers may be permitted (securing transparency and conducting strict examination)
3. Limitation to cases where appropriate control regarding extra-purpose use and transfer to third parties is ensured

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