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Cyber Warfare

Sierra Nevada Corporation’s Next-Gen EW Product Line Prioritizes Multi-Domain Operations


Sierra Nevada Corporation’s Next-Gen EW Product Line Prioritizes Multi-Domain Operations

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Sierra Nevada Corporation’s Next-Gen EW Product Line Prioritizes Multi-Domain Operations
Sierra Nevada Corporation’s Next-Gen EW Product Line Prioritizes Multi-Domain Operations

In today’s combat environment, the battle space is ever-changing, relying more on technological might than physical force. With this in mind, Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) is leveraging more than two decades of experience designing, manufacturing and sustaining dismounted and mounted electronic warfare (EW) solutions to deliver a next-generation product line that addresses the full array of RF capabilities required for truly multi-domain operations (MDO). As an experienced OEM, SNC has delivered three generations of EW systems to deployments worldwide operating in the most critical of situations ranging from homeland security to the mountains of Afghanistan. Now the company is taking those operationally-proven systems into the future.

“SNC is in the process of a ground-up redesign for all of our mounted and dismounted EW products to address the full range of global warfighter requirements. We are incorporating Modular Open Systems Architecture (MOSA) and exportability as key design requirements while also achieving affordability and interoperability in support of our U.S. Department of Defense and partner nation customers. We are really building on these proven system architectures and performance characteristics and designing solutions that address all operationally relevant RF functions – everything from EW, cyber, Comms and PNT – into a single product,” said Jerry Coburn, SNC’s senior director of business development.

511 Tactical

SNC’s systems support man-packable, vehicle-mounted, fixed-site and airborne applications for both offensive and defensive threat detection and protection. The company’s design requirements include size, weight and power reduction combined with multi-function performance attributes to provide dismounted and mounted electronic support and electronic attack functions for counter communications, defensive electronic attack force protection and counter UAS passive sensing and RF mitigation. SNC’s enhanced technology prioritizes the DOD’s need for networked platform, dismounted EW and cyber capabilities in support of critical MDO against near-peer adversaries. Its ever-evolving family of EW systems provide a modular, scalable design that facilitates seamless integration into customer interfaces.

Core SNC capabilities include system, RF and information assurance engineering, hardware integration, design and development, research, production, support, sustainment and new equipment training. With a team of nearly 5,000 people—from scientists and cybersecurity experts to software engineers and former military leaders—SNC’s competency in threat analysis, EW technique development and implementation is unmatched. Owned by Chairwoman and President Eren Ozmen and CEO Fatih Ozmen, SNC is a trusted leader in solving the world’s toughest challenges through advanced engineering technologies in Space Systems, Commercial Solutions, and National Security and Defense. The company is a prime systems integrator with world-class production and manufacturing facilities for global product sustainment, providing a solid foundation for future growth and continued protection of military forces from some of the most deadly threats in the field.

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