Ground Warfare

Milrem Robotics Delivers THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) to Ukraine

Milrem Robotics THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)
Milrem Robotics THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)

The European leading robotics and autonomous system developer Milrem Robotics delivered the THeMIS (Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System) unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) suited for casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) and transportation of supplies to Ukraine. The THeMIS equipped with stretchers for rapid CASEVAC was delivered to a Ukrainian charitable organization. Onsite training was provided upon delivery for the quick deployment of the system. THeMIS is a ground-based armed drone vehicle designed largely for military applications, and is built by Milrem Robotics in Estonia.

“Casualty evacuation is one of the most crucial and labour-intensive activities in conflicts. Traditionally, it takes several people to carry a stretcher and required medical equipment. However, it would require only one to operate a UGV, which can accommodate several wounded and a lot of equipment. This means that more personnel are available to help more people,” explained Captain (res) Jüri Pajuste, Defence Research and development (R&D) Director at Milrem Robotics.

Milrem Robotics THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)
Milrem Robotics THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)

The THeMIS UGV is a multi-mission vehicle with an open architecture that enables it to be rapidly configured from having a transport function to being weaponized, performing ordnance disposal, or supporting intelligence operations according to the nature of the mission. The system can effectively enhance the work of dismounted infantry units, border guard and law enforcement agencies to collect and process raw information and decrease the reaction time for commanders. THeMIS UGVs have been acquired by 14 countries, 8 of which are members of NATO, including Estonia, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the UK, and the US.

Milrem Robotics is an Estonian robotic vehicle manufacturer. Their primary products are the THeMIS UGV, the Multiscope UGV and a robotic combat vehicle designated as the Type-X. Milrem Robotics was established in 2013. Development on the first unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) began late 2014. The first UGV (THeMIS) was introduced at DSEI 2015 in London. An upgraded THeMIS was introduced at the 2019 Defence and Security Equipment International conference. In 2019 the Estonian Defence Forces deployed the THeMIS UGV to a combat zone, Mali, for the first time as part of a French led counter-terrorism Operation Barkhane.

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