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Russian Helicopters Develops Composite Armor for Mi-8AMT and Mi-8MTV-1 Helicopters


Russian Helicopters Develops Composite Armor for Mi-8AMT and Mi-8MTV-1 Helicopters

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Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant (NARP) has developed a composite ballistic protection system for Mi-8AMT and Mi-8MTV-1 helicopters. Both are among the world’s most-produced helicopters, used by over 50 countries. When combined the two helicopters are the third most common operational military aircraft in the world. The armor system will be installed on helicopters used for United Nation peacekeeping missions. Significant advantages of armor are the possibility of its use in various climatic conditions in the temperature range from -50 to +50 degrees, resistance to corrosion and wear.

The basis of ballistic protection is a domestic non-combustible composite material, which differs from analogues in a lower surface density while maintaining high protective properties. The developed system guarantees a high level of protection for crew members and passengers from small arms bullets up to 7.62 mm caliber. A set of composite armor covers not only the cockpit, but also the cargo compartment, while its weight does not exceed 230 kg. The protection system is reliable, lightweight and easy to install. These advantages allow us to talk about the great potential of its use on Mi-8 series helicopters.

511 Tactical
Russian Army Aviation Mil Mi-8MTV-1 Assult Helicopter
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Work on the creation of the system was carried out by a certified developer of aviation equipment – the Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant, which is part of the Russian Helicopters holding. Based on the results of development work, a bulletin was put into effect. Currently, ballistic protection is being produced according to the patterns developed by the company. The NARP provides maintenance, overhaul and upgrade services for all modifications of civilian and military helicopters of Mi-8/17 and Mi-26(T) series. The company has an extensive international network of Mi helicopter maintenance and repair enterprises.

The Mil Mi-8 (NATO reporting name: Hip) is a medium twin-turbine helicopter, originally designed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s and now produced by Russia. The most widely built version for military customers is the Mi-8T Hip-C, the standard utility transport. The same basic helicopter without armament is the Mi-8AMT. The Mil Mi-17 is a Soviet-designed Russian military helicopter family introduced in 1975 (Mi-8M), continuing in production as of 2021 at two factories, in Kazan and Ulan-Ude. Export customers often use the civil Mi-17 designation, but Russia and the CIS air forces use the Mi-8MT designation.

Russian Helicopters Mil Mi-8AMT Helicopter
Russian Helicopters Mil Mi-8AMT Helicopter

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