Embraer is cooperating with Aeroplex with the objective of qualifying the latter company to support and maintain the Hungarian Defence Forces’ (HDF) KC-390 Millennium airlifters. Hungary is acquiring two KC-390s in an air-to-air refuelling configuration, with the first aircraft due for delivery in 2024. In August 2021, Embraer announced the opening of an office in Budapest, to foster cooperation. The initiative is part of Embraer’s strategy to establish new partnerships in selected markets. Some of the key aspects of this future cooperation are the collaborative efforts with new partners, long-term projects, and investment in reliable dual-use technology.
“While Embraer brings its expertise of more than 50 years supporting aircraft around the world, Aeroplex will apply all our knowledge and diversified portfolio to serve the KC-390 Millennium. I’m sure we’ll learn a lot together,” stated Aeroplex CEO, Demény Árpad.
“This MoU is part of Embraer’s commitment to expand the collaboration with Hungary in the aeronautical field […] The local MRO capability will become an operational advantage for the Hungarian KC-390s’ support after the entry into service,” commented Leonardo Lopes Ferrucci, Head of Embraer Defense & Security Hungary.

Hungary’s KC-390s will be the first in the world configured with an Intensive Care Unit – an essential feature for the conduct of humanitarian missions. The aircraft fully meets HDF requirements, being able to perform multiple military and civilian missions, including medical evacuation, cargo and troop transport, precision cargo airdrop, paratroop operations and AAR. The aircraft are fully NATO compatible from hardware, avionics and communications perspectives. Furthermore, the probe and drogue refuelling system means the aircraft can refuel HDF Gripens, as well as other aircraft using the same technology.
The Embraer C-390 Millennium is a medium-size, twin-engine, jet-powered military transport aircraft produced by the Brazilian aerospace manufacturer Embraer. With a load capacity of 26 tonnes (57,000 lb), the aircraft can be configured to perform various conventional operations such as troop, VIP and cargo transportation, and more specialised logistical operations such as aerial refuelling as a tanker. It is the heaviest aircraft the company has made to date. The first production aircraft was delivered to the Brazilian Air Force on 4 September 2019.[9] On 18 November 2019 during the Dubai Airshow, Embraer announced the aircraft’s new name for the global market, C-390 Millennium.