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Aerial Warfare

Brazilian Air Force Launches Two Satellites on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Two-stage Rocket


Brazilian Air Force Launches Two Satellites on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Two-stage Rocket

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Brazilian Air Force Launches Two Satellites on SpaceX's Falcon 9 Two-stage Rocket
Brazilian Air Force Launches Two Satellites on SpaceX's Falcon 9 Two-stage Rocket

In another step towards consolidating Brazil’s Strategic Space Systems Program (Lessonia Project), the Brazilian Air Force launched two new satellites today, using SpaceX’s Falcon 9 two-stage rocket, at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, USA. The two new satellites, named Carcará I and Carcará II (after the bold Brazilian bird of prey), make up the Lessonia Project – 1, which aims to make a constellation of low-orbit satellites available to the Brazilian government for both civil and military use. Run by the Combat Aircraft Program Coordinating Committee (COPAC), it provides dual products for integrated use for the benefit of the entire Brazilian society.

With a dual purpose, they are aimed at meeting the operational needs of the Armed Forces, the Center for Control and Operation of the Amazon Defense System (CENSIPAM), as well as government agencies. The images captured will be used to support the fight against drug trafficking, illegal mining, fires and deforestation – besides also being essential for cartographic updates, determination of river navigability and monitoring of natural disasters, among other capabilities. Carcará satellites will generate high resolution images 24/7 regardless of weather conditions, as the emitted signal passes through the clouds.

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