Turkish weapons manufacturer and defense contractor Roketsan unveiled its new cruise missile, Cakir, on Thursday, with the company saying the ordinance will bring operational flexibility on land, sea, and air. It is still in the design phase, its first tests are scheduled for later this year, with platform integration to take place in 2023. With a range of over 150 kilometers (93 miles), the cruise missile will be launchable from fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, assault drones, tactical land vehicles, and naval platforms. It also provides operational versatility against targets above the ground or sea, as well as those in caves. Cakir is set to become a new military force multiplier with its state-of-the-art features and potent warhead, according to a statement from the company.
Cakir offers high survivability with its unique design and radar absorbing material used on the frame. Featuring a unique warhead and impact point selection systems, it will be highly destructive adding that the missile will be able to engage targets with high precision regardless of weather conditions thanks to its advanced mid- and terminal phase guidance systems. It will also boast network-based datalink facilitates and human-in-the-loop capabilities for updating, attacking/re-attacking, or aborting targets mid-flight. The new missile will be fitted with hybrid seekers including IIR and RF, will be launched from various platforms, including FACs, USVs, UCAVs, helicopters, aircraft, land.

Also capable of carrying multiple payloads, the missile will be able to coordinate and intercommunicate with other ordinances as a swarm. With the swarm concept, which allows a coordinated attack with a large number of ammunition, it is easier to overcome the enemy’s defense systems, while high efficiency is ensured at one or more targets. Thanks to its unique hull design with radar absorber feature, ÇAKIR offers high survivability. Flying very close to the water surface over the sea and on land, in addition to its land masking capabilities, its radar-absorbing body structure minimizes its detectability by enemy air defense systems. It can continue its course in cases where there is intense electronic jamming, with its jam-proof GNSS and altimeter-supported inertial navigation system.
Roketsan is a major Turkish weapons manufacturer and defense contractor based in Ankara. Incorporated in 1988 by Turkey’s Defense Industry Executive Committee (SS?K) to establish the nation’s industrial base on missile technology, the company has quickly risen to become one of Turkey’s top 500 industrial corporations. Roketsan’s current share holders include Turkish Armed Forces Foundation (55.5%), ASELSAN (15%), MKEK (15%), Vak?flar Bankas? (10%), HAVELSAN (4.5%). Roketsan is best known for its vast range of guided and unguided rockets as well as guided missiles such as Bora, Atmaca, Cirit, UMTAS and OMTAS. The company also produces subsystems for Stinger, Rapier ESSM missiles and provides technology for other integrated civilian and military platforms.