New short-range air-defence (SHORAD) missile systems featured in Exercise “Defenders of the Velayet Skies 1400” , which was held by Iranian air-defence forces on 12–13 October, reflecting a growing emphasis on countering low-altitude threats. The test footage of the AD-08 ‘Majid’ air defense system, which was tested in the exercise, was provided by Iranian military correspondents. The Iranian media identified the AD-08 Majid as a system mounted on the back of a light tactical vehicle with a rapidly rotating electro-optical (EO) sensor and a missile launch tube on either side, although it appeared more tubes could be carried.
The missile used by the AD-08 Majid air defense system is equipped with passive imaging infrared (IIR) homing guidance system. It can hit targets with a range from 700 m to 8 km with an altitude from 20 m to 6 km. The missile has a diameter of 156mm, a length of 2,670 mm, and a total weight of 75 kg. The Majid air defense system can carry between 4 and 8 missiles. The AD-08 can be also integrated with the Kashef-99 radar, a 3D mobile phased array system with a range of 12 kilometers used to detect small aircraft. It is capable of spotting 300 targets simultaneously. Using the Kashef-99 radar, the detection range can be enhanced to 30 km.
The missile launcher station of the AD-08 Majid is mounted on the Iranian-made Aras-2 4×4 tactical vehicle. The chassis of Aras tactical vehicle was developed out of the F-4. 5 Toyota chassis. This car can withstand 1,450 kg on the front axle and 2,700 kg on the rear axle. The suspension of this car in the front part is of all-float roller spring with a three-lever mechanism, and in the back part is of all-float spring with a five-axis mechanism. The steering system of this car is hydraulic. Its braking system is a two-hydraulic circuit equipped with an ABS anti-lock braking system and EBS electronic braking system (EBS).