DCS, Corp., Alexandria, Virginia, is awarded a $25,080,326 modification to a previously awarded contract. This modification increases the ceiling to address labor cost increases to provide continued systems engineering, analysis, research, development, logistics, configuration and data management services to the U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division’s aircraft integrated product teams in support of the development, integration, test, evaluation, and fielding of new and upgraded capabilities to the F/A-18, EA-18G, F-35, AV-8B, AH-1/UH-1 aircraft and unmanned aerial systems for the Navy. Work is expected to be completed in October 2022. The U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Point Mugu, California, is the contracting activity.
DCS has provided engineering expertise to multiple Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) activities by performing engineering analyses, trade-off studies, and technology assessments to identify the scope and performance requirements to be issued in the MDAP’s Statements of Work and Request for Proposals to industry. DCS supports Army, Navy, and Air Force Major MDAPs activities, including participating as technical evaluators on MDAP proposal teams; providing software subject matter expertise in the technical evaluation of vendor’s proposal submissions; performing engineering analyses and trade-offs throughout the acquisition life cycle; and conducting Analysis of Alternatives (AoAs), providing technical recommendations for user-defined capabilities to ensure that program cost, performance, and schedule goals were attained.
DCS has more than 300 personnel supporting the Navy’s Weapons and Systems Integration Support Services (WSISS) contract providing support to aircraft modifications and aircraft test instrumentation and telemetry systems design, development, installation, maintenance, service, set-up, and operation; integration and developmental test of weapons, avionics, sensors, and targeting systems, and system hardware and software; system test/simulator/trainer facility software and hardware design, development, fabrication, integration, and operation; and software engineering and development for aircraft computers, avionics, sensors and targeting systems, weapons systems, and mission and system support equipment.
DCS supports numerous SILs and HILs in the Army, Navy, and Air Force. The company currently support the U.S. Navy Advanced Weapons Lab at China Lake, CA in the development and fielding of numerous weapon systems and weapon system components, including the integration of advanced technologies into existing systems. Some of the systems we have supported include: Advanced Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance System (ATARS), Shared Reconnaissance Pod (SHARP) and Infrared Search and Track (IRST); Navigation Forward Looking Infrared (NAVFLIR) Pods (AN/AAR-5, AN/AAR-55); Advanced Targeting FLIR High Definition (ATFLIR HD) including Fiber Optic streaming video; Advanced Data Link Pods (AN/AWW-13, AN/AWW-9); Multi-Sensor Integration (MSI) for both A/G and A/A; and A/A and A/G weapons.

5th Generation Aircraft Weapons Systems Development