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Aerial Warfare

US Army Soldiers Get Hands-on with IM-SHORAD Air Defense System


US Army Soldiers Get Hands-on with IM-SHORAD Air Defense System

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U.S. Army Initial Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense (IM-SHORAD)
U.S. Army Initial Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense (IM-SHORAD)

Some Soldiers from out of town are on White Sands Missile Range putting a new air defense system through its paces and preparing it to be delivered for use. Soldiers from the 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery (5-4 ADA) Regiment out of Ansbach, Germany are on WSMR conduction training and operational testing of the U.S. Army’s Initial Maneuver Short Range Air Defense system. At this time the IM-SHORAD system is not quite ready for full production, but multiple prototypes have been made. To get the system ready to be mass produced, operational testing is needed. Soldiers need to get their hands on the system, learn to use it, and then use it just as they would, including trying new things, making mistakes, and otherwise doing the sort of thing that the system designers may not have prepared for.

The IM-SHORAD system is one of the Army’s solutions to replace the aging Avenger short range air defense system. While the Avenger worked well in its day as a Cold War platform for the protection of Army units from close in air threats, the system is showing its age, being less survivable than other modern air defense systems, and requiring a long set up time to get operational. The IM-SHORAD is built to bring a modernized package of capabilities to the table and improve in the areas the Avenger struggles. Mounted on a Stryker armored vehicle, IM-SHORAD can keep up with the units they are protecting, with better armor and survivability than a HUMVEE platform provides. The system has its own radar, and an array of weapons that can be effective against air threats without a long setup process.

511 Tactical
US Army Soldiers Get Hands-on with IM-SHORAD Air Defense System
John Wahl, a Field Service Engineer DRS Technology how to adjust the sighting system on the IMSHORAD system. The IMSHORAD system has a lot of on-board systems Soldiers will need to use, and the Soldiers from 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery have been brought all the way from Ansbach Germany to help test the system before their unit receives the first production models early next year.

Thanks to Soldier feedback, some new features have already been added to the system to make it more user friendly. While still being tested, so far the Soldiers are impressed with the system. While the system has been doing plenty of developmental testing on WSMR this pivot to operation testing is an important step. Without a full battery of operational tests, the system could be delivered to the Soldier with bugs and technical issues that can’t be found through developmental testing by engineers who are intimately familiar with all the technical and operation details of the system. Bringing in a unit from Germany to just conduct operational testing may seem a little extreme, but for the long-term it’s an advantageous decision. First, the unit is already equipped with the Avenger system the IM-SHORAD system is set to replace. This means that the Soldiers giving their feedback and testing the system will have a solid base for comparison, making them perfect for not just evaluating the differences.

Secondly, the 5-4 ADA is currently set to be the first unit to receive the IM-SHORAD system. By getting their hands on the system in advance, the unit is ensuring that when the finalized vehicle is delivered, there will already be a core cadre of Soldiers that are fully trained on the system and familiar with its abilities, quirks, and unique features. This should make training up soldiers new to the system a little easier, as their peers can directly contribute to the training and provide nuance that can only be gotten in a Soldier-to-Soldier training environment. While the future of the IM-SHORAD system is bright; for now, testing continues, running the Soldiers through every system, setting, and operation of the IM-SHORD. Final delivery of the system to Germany is currently scheduled for early next year.

US Army Soldiers Get Hands-on with IM-SHORAD Air Defense System
David Hill, a Test Engineer with DRS (right) shows Solders with the 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment how to use a boresighting system on the IM-SHORAD’s 30mm cannon. The soldiers are on WSMR to learn how to use the IMSHORAD system, and then conduct a series of tests, using it just like they would in the field, to help find and correct any issues with the system before it’s fielded early next year.

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