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Uzbekistan Army Tests GM-21 MK Sturm Multiple Launch Rocket System


Uzbekistan Army Tests GM-21 MK Sturm Multiple Launch Rocket System

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To strengthen the Uzbekistan’s defense potentials, a Plan of practical measures (Roadmap) for the development of the military-industrial complex of Uzbekistan for 2020-2025 is currently being worked out. The Uzbek Ministry of Defense is working on the modernization of outdated weapons and military equipment. In particular, the chassis of the BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system was replaced. Practical tests of this system with a combat launch showed positive results.

Uzbekistan Army Tests GM-21 MK Sturm Multiple Launch Rocket System
Uzbekistan Army Tests GM-21 MK Sturm Multiple Launch Rocket System

The GM-21 MK “Sturm” (upgraded MLRS BM-21 “Grad”) 122-mm self-propelled multiple launch rocket system is being tested at the Kattakurgan field test site in the Central Military District, on the basis of “Initiative Ideas” put forward by the Uzbek Ministry of Defense. The Defense Ministry said n addition, remote control tests and the launch of the 122 mm BM-21 Sturm artillery rocket mounted on KamAZ and Ural vehicles are currently undergoing tests.

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Uzbekistan Army Tests GM-21 MK Sturm Multiple Launch Rocket System
Uzbekistan Army Tests GM-21 MK Sturm Multiple Launch Rocket System

The BM-21 “Grad” is a Soviet truck-mounted 122 mm multiple rocket launcher. The weapons system and the M-21OF rocket were first developed in the early 1960s, and saw their first combat use in March 1969 during the Sino-Soviet border conflict. BM stands for boyevaya mashina, and the nickname grad means “hail”. The complete system is more commonly known as a Grad multiple rocket launcher system. Several other countries have copied the Grad or have developed similar systems.

Uzbekistan Army Tests GM-21 MK Sturm Multiple Launch Rocket System
Uzbekistan Army Tests GM-21 MK Sturm Multiple Launch Rocket System

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