Terma’s C-Flex command and control system (C2/C3/C4I) is especially suitable for Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV), and Patrol Vessels (PV) and provides a confident real-time situational awareness display and a range of tools for operators to command, plan, and make time-critical decisions in missions like law enforcement, Search & Rescue, and peace keeping. The C-Flex system includes interfacing to all the C-Series modules, enabling configuration of a standard Command & Weapon Control System (CWCS) with very low risk. If desired, other sensor systems, fire control systems, missiles, and weapon system can also be integrated with C-Flex.
The C-Flex system interfaces ship-borne sensors, such as navigation sensors (GPS, Gyro, Log), navigation radars, surveillance radars, electronic support measure (ESM) systems, electro optical surveillance systems together with identification systems such as AIS and IFF. All sensor data is correlated and fused into system tracks with symbol and color coding for type of vessel, identification, etc. The track data is plotted on top of an ECDIS/Sea Chart together radar video from navigation radars and surveillance radars (user selectable) providing an integrated and confident situational awareness of the tactical situation.

A set of tools is available for detection and analysis of abnormal track behaviour, such as sudden change of course and speed, violation of go/no-go zones, diversion from expected sailing routes and other abnormal behavior to support and enable decision making. C-Flex interfaces the ship’s weapon system, typically via a fire control system — like C-Fire — or by target designation outputs to stand-alone weapon control systems. The C-Flex system provides an integrated recording facility of both the tactical situation, video from Electro Optical surveillance systems and written notes — all time stamped and synchronized for documentation/evidence of mission and incidents.
The C-Flex system is operated from MultiFunction Consoles (MFC) and is scalable from a 1 console solution for a small Patrol Vessel to an extra large 24 console solution for a Frigate. For Patrol Vessels and Offshore Patrol Vessels, 1-3 Multi Function Consoles will be sufficient for solving the ship’s missions. For Amphibious vessels as well as Combatants like corvettes and frigates, the number of Multi Function Consoles is typically more dependant upon the missions to be solved. The C-Flex system is based on using industrial grade COTS (Commercial Of The Shelve) hardware as well as modern COTS software such as MS-Windows and Linux operation systems.