Defense Career
Aerial Warfare

Rafael Signs MoU with PCO for Mi-24 Helicopter Electro-Optical System


Rafael Signs MoU with PCO for Mi-24 Helicopter Electro-Optical System

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Polish electro-optics manufacturer PCO (Przemyslowe Centrum Optyki) and Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defence Systems have signed a Memorandum Of Understandings (Mou) to work together in the production of the Toplite electro-optical system (EOS) for the expected Polish Mi-24 modernisation tender. Under the MOU, PCO S.A. will be the only supplier of TOPLITE systems for recipients from Poland. Under this agreement, PCO S.A. will become part of the supplier chain under other RAFAEL programs. The two companies have been cooperating since 2007 for supply of optoelectronic heads for Poland’s W-3PL Gluszec helicopters.

RAFAEL Toplite electro-optical system (EOS)
Rafael Toplite electro-optical system (EOS)

Topliten EOS is an integral part of Rafael’s air defence systems and naval systems, and is fully integrated with SPIKE missile family on Helicopters and other platforms in more than 20 countries. It incorporates up to seven sensors for detection, tracking, identification, and targeting. Toplite EOS enables automatic or manual monitoring and investigation using its advanced control unit, Situational Awareness (SAW) and Image processing package. Toplite EOS is derived from the Litening targeting and navigation pod, of which RAFAEL has sold and supplied over 1600 units. It therefore enjoys all the latest developments made for the world’s leading targeting system.

511 Tactical
W-3PL Gluszec helicopters with Rafael optoelectronic heads
W-3PL Gluszec helicopters with Rafael optoelectronic heads

The Polish Ministry of Defence announced its plans to modernize the Mi-24 platform last year. The upgrades are going to act as a gap filler, before the Kruk new generation attack helicopters are procured. The Polish Land Forces’ current inventory consists of a mix of Mi-24D and Mi-24W procured from the former Soviet Union beginning in 1979. As the Russian ATGMs stock (9K114 Shturm and 3M11 Falanga) has been depleted, the Mi-24 gunships have no capabilities as such at their disposal. Even though no details have been disclosed with regards to the upgraded armament but the Spike ATGM is one of the possible options considered.

Polish Mil Mi-24
Polish Mil Mi-24 “Hind” attack helicopters

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