Saab Giraffe 1X is a mobile, deployable or fixed asset for short-range surveillance and Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) that provides forces with early warning and the ability to detect and classify more than 100 different targets – simultaneously. While other ground-based radar systems often weigh in at 1.5 tonnes and require a truck for transport, the Giraffe 1X system weighs just 150 kilograms and can be carried by a conventional vehicle. No single component weighs more than 60 kilograms, meaning the system can be used from a vehicle or quickly relocated using manpower. In fact, the complete radar can be transported on a pickup truck-sized vehicle, by helicopter or towed on a trailer. It can be permanently installed on a building or a mast, or integrated into a suitable vehicle. The system can be operated remotely or locally.

One of Giraffe 1X’s key usage area is naval applications where it can enhance awareness for a broad range of vessels. Giraffe 1X radar is very useful for smaller ships where it can provide outstanding short-range radar performance. The Giraffe 1X radar can also play a key role in ground-based air defence. Dalsjö Despite its small size, the Giraffe 1X packs a big punch in terms of performance. With its mast extended, it can detect large aircraft at a distance of up to 100 kilometres and is well suited to detecting incoming missiles and mortars. The Giraffe 1X also boasts Saab’s Enhanced Low, Slow and Small (ELSS) functionality, which means that it can detect and classify objects as small as hobby store drones at vast distances. It can also distinguish the drones from birds, which have very similar movement patterns.

Giraffe 1X provides simultaneous air surveillance, GBAD target acquisition and RAM sense and warn capabilities without performance degradation. It can detect fixed and rotary wing targets, fast missiles and RAM targets as well as small UAVs in high-clutter environments. It also offers flexible integration of weapon systems and tactical data links, and can be configured fully self-contained with C3 capabilities. Giraffe 1X covers the entire search volume every second and will detect any air threat, including small, slow, high and low targets. The system provides exceptional air picture awareness with all-weather performance and accurate 3D data for all targets in the search volume. Automatic weapon location and impact location can be provided as an option. The system offers 360˚ detection and tracking of RAM threats even in severe clutter.