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Spanish Army VII Brigade “Galicia”


Spanish Army VII Brigade “Galicia”

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The VII Brigade also known as the Galicia is a major tactical military formation composed of three regiment plus combat supporting elements and it is one of the Division Castillejos of the Land Force of the Spanish Army (Ejército de Tierra). The Brigade consists of soldiers trained and equipped to operate as a key element for force projection, or in a framework for the creation of tactical groupings. Their specialty allows enough flexibility to function across the spectrum of conflict. The VII Brigade “Galicia” Headquarters in Galicia, Spain. Galicia is an autonomous community of Spain and historic nationality under Spanish law. Located in the northwest Iberian Peninsula, it includes the provinces of A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense and Pontevedra.

Spanish Army VII Brigade "Galicia"
Spanish Army VII Brigade “Galicia”

The VII Brigad comprises the following units:
Command and Headquarters.
Headquarters Battalion.
Regiment Infantry Regiment # 3
“San Quintín” Protected Infantry Battalion I / 3.
“Toledo” Protected Infantry Battalion II / 3.
“Isabel la Católica” Infantry Regiment No. 29.
“Zamora” Protected Infantry Battalion I / 29.3 4
Regiment of cavalry «Farnese» No. 12 in Santovenia de Pisuerga.
Group of Light Cavalry Battleship «Santiago» I / 12.
Campaign Artillery Group VII, with a SAM missile battery.
Sapper Battalion VII.
Logistics Group VII.
Transmission Company No. 7.

Spanish Army VII Brigade "Galicia"
Spanish Army VII Brigade “Galicia”

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