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New MRTP 24/U Special Operations Craft for Turkish Naval Forces


New MRTP 24/U Special Operations Craft for Turkish Naval Forces

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The second of the new SAT boats developed for the transfer of the Turkish Naval Forces Underwater Attack (Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri Su Altı Taarruz or SAT ) teams to the operation area will be delivered this year. The MRTP 24/U Special Operations Craft by Yonca-Onuk Shipyard to ensure the transfer of the SAT teams to the operation area and to establish the safety of the SAT team by providing fire support. The first was delivered to Turkish Naval Forces at the end of 2019 and the second will be delivered this year.

MRTP 24/U Special Operations Craft
MRTP 24/U Special Operations Craft

The MRTP 24/U Special Operations Craft has a maximum speed of 54 knots, a full length 26.30 meters, width 5.48 meters and a draft 1140 meters. The boat has a maximum displacement of 55 tons. The boat can carry a crew of 5 people as well as a SAT team of 16 people. The Turkish Naval Forces Underwater Attack (SAT) already operates two MRTP 22/U for the same role. 7 out of 8 MRTP 12 has also been delivered to Turkish Naval Forces.
MRTP 24/U Special Operations Craft
MRTP 24/U Special Operations Craft

Turkish Naval Forces Underwater Attack or SAT, is the Special Operations Forces unit of the Turkish Navy, based in a Naval Base near Ä°zmir, on the Aegean coast of Turkey and Istanbul. The missions of the SAT include the acquisition of military intelligence, special reconnaissance, direct action, counter-terrorism and visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS) operations. They are trained and organized in a similar way to the U.S. Navy Seals who have close training relationships with them.
MRTP 24/U Special Operations Craft
MRTP 24/U Special Operations Craft

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