The THeMIS takes its first flight in a helicopter during Operation Barkhane. Mali is one of the toughest regions in the world with lava rock soil, loose sand and high temperatures that can reach 50 degrees in the shade. Such conditions test the capabilities of the THeMIS but also other technology available to units like radio stations, GPS equipment, etc. Estonian Infantry Platoon currently serving in Mali deployed for the first time the Milrem Robotics THeMIS unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) during a military operation, testing its implementation in support of infantry in the conflict area from both a tactical and a technical viewpoint.

Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS UGV passes air transportability tests. The air transportability tests were conducted according to NATO standard STANAG 3542 and was facilitated by the helicopter crew of the Estonian Police and Border Guard. The THeMIS is a multipurpose tracked vehicle that can be equipped with other warfighting technology such as weapon systems, tethered drones, IED detection devices and much more. It can carry a payload of up to 1200kg, move 25 km/h and pull other equipment with a force of 21 000 N.

The THeMIS can be remotely operated via cameras or using autonomous functions such as waypoint navigation, follow-me etc. The intention is to keep soldiers safe, increase their capabilities and in addition lighten their load. The unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) by Milrem Robotics, the leading European UGV manufacturer and developer of robotic warfare solutions, passes air transportability tests that adds one more option for it to be deployed to operation areas.

Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS is currently the only tracked UGV of its size class deployed in the operational area. THeMIS is a multi-purpose tracked vehicle that can be equipped with a range of different combat systems. The THeMIS in Mali can be used for support and observation. The vehicle can transport equipment such as water and ammunition and thanks to its cameras increase situational awareness and allow for an overview of dangerous areas without endangering soldiers.