Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc., has received a AUD $4,840,720.04 (approximately USD $3,300,000) contract from the Australian Department of Defence to deliver hardware, software and technical data package upgrades to their Kratos Maintenance Blended Reconfigurable Aviation Trainers (MBRATs) and CH-47F CAT. The CH-47F Chinook Avionics Trainer (CAT) is a High Fidelity Hands On Training System (HOTS) that provides full-task training through simulation of all avionics sub-systems and aircraft survivability equipment in an integrated configuration within a fully immersive physical environment.
The CH-47F MBRAT blends a virtual immersive environment and spatial physical awareness with established CH-47F Chinook simulation software.
The enhanced MBRAT training capabilities enable the end user to increase student training throughput by enabling new training tasks to be performed on the upgraded MBRAT trainers and the CH-47F CAT simultaneously. The CAT and MBRATs have enabled the Australian Department of Defence to establish a local CH-47F Chinook maintenance training center of excellence for the Australian military. Previously, maintenance training had been conducted in the United States, but with Kratos MBRATs and CAT the Australian Defence Force (ADF) is now self-sufficient in this regard.
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc, (NASDAQ: KTOS), headquartered in San Diego, California, specializes in directed-energy weapons, unmanned systems, satellite communications, cyber security/warfare, microwave electronics, missile defense, training and combat systems. Customers include the U.S. federal government, foreign governments, commercial enterprises and state and local government agencies. Kratos is organized into six major divisions: Defense and Rocket Support Services, Microwaves Electronics, Modular Systems, Public Safety and Security, Technology and Training, and Unmanned Systems.
Kratos has extensive past performance on the CH-47 and CH-53 variants, having developed operational flight trainers for CH 53-D and the Marine Common Aircrew Trainer (MCAT), a multi-platform, multi-mission, realistic simulation trainer focused specifically on enlisted aircrew personnel.
Some of Kratos’ newest products are part of a Pentagon effort to partner with innovators and incubate technology-focused businesses in Silicon Valley. Kratos has primarily an engineering and technically oriented work force of approximatively 2,700 with a substantial number of the Company’s employees holding national security clearances.