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Italian Predator RPAS Shot Down Over Libya


Italian Predator RPAS Shot Down Over Libya

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Italian Predator RPAS Shot Down Over Libya
Italian Predator RPAS Shot Down Over Libya

An Italian Air Force MQ-9A Predator B remotely-piloted aircraft was shot down near Tarhuna, about 40 km from the Libyan coast, on Nov. 20, while officially carrying out surveillance missions over the central Mediterranean. The aircraft, which was carrying out a mission in support of Operation Mare Sicuro, followed a flight plan previously transmitted to Libyan authorities. While the aircraft is claimed to have been shot down, for the moment. the Italian Defense has confirmed the loss of the Predator RPV (Remotely Piloted Vehicle). Libyan authorities were informed of its presence.

Italian Predator RPAS Shot Down Over Libya
Italian Predator RPAS Shot Down Over Libya

What remains of an MQ-9A Predator B, operated by the 32° Stormo (Wing) of the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force), based at Amendola Air Base, in southeastern Italy. The 32° Stormo and its two child units, the 28° Gruppo (Squadron) based at Amendola, and the 61° Gruppo, detached to Sigonella, in Sicily, operate a mixed fleet of MQ-1C Predator A+ (an upgraded variant of the baseline RQ-1B Predator A) and MQ-9A Predator B RPVs (Remotely Piloted Vehicles).
Italian Predator RPAS Shot Down Over Libya
Italian Predator RPAS Shot Down Over Libya

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