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HMS Dragon brings air defence expertise to USS Dwight. D Eisenhower


HMS Dragon brings air defence expertise to USS Dwight. D Eisenhower

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HMS Dragon brings air defence expertise to USS Dwight. D Eisenhower
HMS Dragon brings air defence expertise to USS Dwight. D Eisenhower

HMS Dragon defended American aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower from aerial threats as she warmed up for operational training with the UK’s Carrier Strike Group. The Type 45 Destroyer brings specialist air defence capabilities to carrier missions, using high-powered surveillance radars to scope out potential enemies and, if needs be, eliminate them. HMS Dragon can take on aircraft, missiles or drones to protect carriers using the warship’s Sea Viper missile system. It is a vital role when undertaking Carrier Strike Group (CSG) operations.

HMS Dragon brings air defence expertise to USS Dwight. D Eisenhower
HMS Dragon brings air defence expertise to USS Dwight. D Eisenhower

During her week-long exercises with the USS Eisenhower-led Carrier Strike Group off the east coast of the USA, HMS Dragon protected the air, learning how air defence operations are conducted within a US task group, and reaffirming bonds with the US Navy. Part of that saw members of HMS Dragon’s Ship’s Company head over to the USS San Jacinto, working closely with US counterparts and taste life on an American cruiser. Some US sailors also headed over to the British destroyer.
HMS Dragon brings air defence expertise to USS Dwight. D Eisenhower
HMS Dragon brings air defence expertise to USS Dwight. D Eisenhower

With additional knowledge and experience gained from working with the USS Eisenhower, HMS Dragon has now returned to the UK Carrier Strike Group to resume the role of air and missile defence commander for HMS Queen Elizabeth, HMS Northumberland and RFA Tideforce on Westlant 19. Portsmouth-based HMS Dragon will be present during the important Operational Testing phase of the deployment, which sees the CSG operate with fixed wing F35B fast jets for the first time this deployment.

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