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Russia to develop ground-based Kalibr cruise missile


Russia to develop ground-based Kalibr cruise missile

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A ground-based version of Kalibr (NATO codenames SS-N-27 Sizzler) sea-based complexes with a long-range cruise missile should be developed in 2019-2020 in response to the US decision to suspend its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday. The sea-launched Kalibr-NK missile will have a range of 2,600 kilometers if it is remodeled into ground-launched one. The intermediate-range ground-launched hypersonic missile will be created on the basis of the 3M22 Tsirkon product of NPO Mashinostroyenia.

Indian Navy frigate INS Tabar firing Kalibr missile
Indian Navy frigate INS Tabar firing Kalibr missile

On Friday, the United States announced the suspension of its participation in the Cold War era treaty that banned ground-launched medium-range missiles with a range of 310-3,400 miles. Next day, Russia suspended its obligations under the treaty as well. At the same time, US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman said on Monday that Washington reserved the right to freeze its withdrawal notice from the INF Treaty if Russia returned to verifiable compliance with the arms limitations pact within six months.
Kalibr missile erected in a standard container
Kalibr missile erected in a standard container

The Russian 3M54_1 Kalibr, 3M14 Biryuza, 91R1, 91RT2 is a group of surface ship-, submarine-launched, airborne anti-ship and coastal anti ship (AShM), land attack cruise missiles (LACM) and anti-submarine missiles developed by the Novator Design Bureau (OKB-8). Derived export versions are the 3M54E, 3M54E1, 3M14E, 91RE1, 91RTE2. The 3M54T, 3M54K, 3M54A, 3M54E (3M54TE), 3M54KE and 3M54AE have a second stage that performs a supersonic sprint in the terminal approach to the target, reducing the time that target’s defense systems have to react. Club is the designation used for the export versions. The Kalibr was used in military operations in Syria. Russia says its hypersonic weapons can breach the US missile defense system.

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