Indonesian Defense Ministry and state-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) had inked a contract for the procurement of eight Airbus Helicopter H225M Caracal helicopters worth US$330 million and nine BELL 412EPI helicopters worth US$183 million. PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) president director Elfien Goentoro said the procurement of Cougar helicopters would be fulfilled within 24 months, while Bell would be completed in 36 months considering the company could only produce 10 units per year.

The Indonesian Air Force already fields three of the six H225M Caracal long-range tactical transport military helicopters ordered in 2012, with deliveries ongoing. These aircraft are operated in the combat search-and-rescue (CSAR) and special forces support roles by Aviation Squadron 9, based at Suryadarma in Jakarta. At the time that the first contract was announced it was noted that up to 10 additional helicopters would be procured.

The Bell 412EPI twin-engine utility helicopter order for the Indonesia Army will see the army replace some of its older 412SP helicopters that have been in service since 1986, and augment its complement of 412EP helicopters that have been in service since 2012. The Bell 412EPI has the impeccable reputation of reliability in some of the most extreme climates. The Bell 412EPI versatile cabin accommodates an array of options to suit any specific mission needs.