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Cobham Weapons Carriage and Release Systems


Cobham Weapons Carriage and Release Systems

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Cobham plc is a British manufacturing company based in Wimborne Minster, Dorset, England and the 49th largest defence firm in the world. With 50 years experience as a leading supplier of Weapons Carriage and Release (weapons suspension and release) systems, Cobham is instrumental in the advancement of weapons release technology for the Air Force, Navy and foreign governments. Offering superior design and integration capabilities across a range of solutions, including; Missile launchers, Bomb Racks, Ejection Launchers, single and multi rack with both Pneumatic and Pyrotechnic ejection, Cobham combines low weight with high performance, reliability, maintainability and low through life costs.

Cobham's Air-to-Ground Weapons Carriage and Release
Cobham’s Air-to-Ground Weapons Carriage and Release

Cobham’s Air-to-Ground Weapons Carriage and Release products for combat aircraft include a range of rail launchers and bomb racks which are compatible with a wide selection of smart and dumb munitions including Small Diameter Bomb, Brimstone and Hellfire missiles. Cobham’s Air-to-ground weapons carriage and release systems are available for single or multiple weapons carriage applications in a range of configurations to suit all customer needs. Cobham’s bomb racks feature pyrotechnic, pneumatic, or electromechanical release systems of stores from 250 lbs to 3,500 lbs. Cobham has single, dual and triple rail launcher systems capable of integrating Hellfire & Brimstone class missiles for use on all types of aircraft, from helicopters to light attack to fast jets. Cobham also has practice bomb carriage systems for use in training environments.
Cobham's Air-to-Air Weapons Carriage and Release Systems
Cobham’s Air-to-Air weapons carriage and release Systems

Cobham’s Air to Air weapons carriage and release equipment plays a key role in the facilitation of Defensive Counter Air (DCA) and Offensive Counter Air (OCA) missions. Cobham’s Air-to-Air weapons carriage and release products are compatible with short range and beyond visual range missiles including; AIM-9, ASRAAM, IRIS-T, A-darter, AMRAAM and Meteor. High velocity long stroke missile ejection is provided with Cobham’s Air-to-Air Missile Eject Launcher (MEL). Integration of multiple missile types and extremely light weight modular systems are provided for Air-to-Air missile rail launcher capability.
Cobham Weapons Carriage and Release Customer Services
Cobham Weapons Carriage and Release Customer Services

Cobham has been committed to supporting, supplying and servicing Weapons Carriage and Release equipment for over 50 years and currently provides sustainment support services for operational equipment across the world. Cobham aftermarket is uniquely qualified to meet specific customer challenges and deliver bespoke, effective product support solutions. Supporting front line capability through world class Design Authority product and innovative services delivery, including Material supply, Logistics, Engineering, Technical support, Training solutions.

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