The Brazilian Army took the decision to acquire 36 Gepard Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAC) based on the chassis of German-made main battle tank Leopard 1. The offer was made by the German Company KMW designer and manufacturer of the Gepard. Gepard 35mm anti-aircraft armoured vehicle of the German army during firing exercises. In mid-2011, KMW has send a proposal for the delivery of 36 revised and modernized Gepard, including parts, technical support, training, and technology transfer. The Gepard vehicles that Brazilian army acquired are in excellent condition and offer the advantage to use the same chassis and engine components as the main battle tank Leopard 1A5 which is in service with the Brazilian army. The Brazilian Army currently uses 239 Leopard 1 tanks, which will facilitate maintenance and will reduce operating costs.

The Gepard is equipped with a two-man electric power operated turret armed with twin Oerlikon KDA 35mm guns. The guns have automatic belt feed. Barrel length is 90 calibers (3,150mm). The Gepard is equipped with a digital fire control computer supplied by EADS (DASA). The miniaturised digital computer uses 32bit Motorola 68020 microprocessors, single board computers with dedicated arithmetic coprocessors and a command, control and communications (C3) interface. All data handled by the fire control system is related to the fixed vehicle coordinate system. The KDA autocannon can take two different ammunition types; the usual loading is a mix of 320 AA and 20 AP rounds per gun. Combined rate of fire is 1,100 rounds/min.

The modernisation scheme for the Gepard included: integration of C3 capabilities; improvement in target engagement with extended combat range, shorter reaction time and better hit and kill probability; and improved self protection. The main thrust of the improvement programme was the installation of new fire control systems, command and control management, muzzle velocity measurement device and the certification for new frangible armour-piercing discarding-sabot ammunition (FAPDS) rounds.

The Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard or the Flakpanzer Gepard is an all-weather-capable German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG). It was developed in the 1960s and fielded in the 1970s, and has been upgraded several times with the latest electronics. It constituted a cornerstone of the air defence of the German Army (Bundeswehr) and a number of other NATO countries. In Germany, the Gepard was phased out in late 2010 to be replaced by “SysFla”, a mobile and stationary air defence system using the LFK NG missile and the new MANTIS gun system. The mobile platform of SysFla will likely be based on the GTK Boxer.