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C-Dome Naval Point Defense


C-Dome Naval Point Defense

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C-Dome Naval Point Defense
C-Dome Naval Point Defense

The C-Dome Naval Point Defense System is designed to effectively protect combat vessels against a large set of modern threats. C-Dome handles saturation attacks by engaging multiple targets simultaneously. Reaction time is very short and enables automatic and semi-automatic engagements.

C-Dome components include a multi-round launcher assembly loaded with vertically-launched canisterised interceptors. The launcher is installed under the ship deck. C-Dome utilizes the ship’s own surveillance radar and does not require a dedicated Fire Control Radar. Weapon System Command and Control is seamlessly integrated with the ship’s combat management system, facilitating system operation.

511 Tactical

C-Dome uses the combat-proven Iron Dome interceptor that has already achieved more than 1200 successful interceptions. Interceptors are maintenance-free, and are stored in a sea-proof canister. Up to 10 interceptors can be loaded into a modular Vertical Launcher Unit. Interceptors are vertically launched with unrestricted 360° azimuth coverage. The highly advanced warhead ensures high kill probability against a wide range of targets. The C-Dome interceptor is extremely agile and with a high rate-of-turn enabling intercepting of even the most maneuverable targets. Its state-of-the-art proximity fuze maximizes lethality and its powerful warhead ensures target destruction.

C-Dome has a small footprint and can be integrated on small ships, including OPVs and small Corvettes.

C-Dome Naval Point Defense
C-Dome Naval Point Defense

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