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Saab Barracuda Soft Armour


Saab Barracuda Soft Armour

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Saab Barracuda Soft Armour
Saab Barracuda Soft Armour

Military and special operations forces overseas are vulnerable and face many different challenges. To achieve mission success, protection of people and equipment are of vital importance. Saab offers just that – protection against ballistic penetration, counter barrier systems and portable shelters that provide defence against AP ammunition, RPG and vehicle attacks plus protection from heat build-up for vehicles, ammunition and personnel. Barracuda Soft Armour is a bullet and splinter proofing technology that provides safety for personnel, compounds, importantequipment and installations in hostile environments. The armour provides multiple-hit protection and can withstand several strikes in the same area without any degradation of protection.The technology is excellent for use in the construction of structures such as walls, shields and reception desks.

Saab’s Soft Armour system offers protection against ballistic penetration up to NATO 7.62 mm AP ammunition (STANAG level III). The system is a box concept filled with hard ceramic balls. The protection level of the Modular Soft Armour system ~180 kg/m² can be compared with concrete 500 kg/m² and RHA 200 kg/m². The system is especially designed to enhance survivability and can be fitted to any structure prior to missions, or even retrofitted to existing structures in operational theatre. A unique ceramic material protects against ballistic penetration. Soft Armour is a patented ballistic protection technology that provides security for people in vulnerable environments. Soft Armour also protects critical equipment and facilities. Soft Armour protects against all small arms ammunition including armour piercing. The system has a lower total cost than ceramic and composite protection, with reusability, multi-hit capabilities and high flexibility.

511 Tactical

The Modular Soft Armour protection system has several areas of use. It can be integrated with any type of structure and can be fitted onto existing structures or vehicles requiring additional protection. The system can also be used as a stand-alone. The modularity of the system is granted by using panels that are easily joined together with standard tools; ceramic filling is added after construction of the panel boxes. The modularity of the system enables transport in different collies to optimise weight, space and bulk to existing transport capabilities.

Saab Barracuda Soft Armour
Saab Barracuda Soft Armour

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