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Ex Pohjoinen 17


Ex Pohjoinen 17

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Impressive footage of towed, self-propelled and rocket artillery and 120mm mortars of the Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian armies live firing during Exercise Pohjoinen 2017 and NORTHER 17 held 13-24 November. Related to the Exercise Pohjoinen 17 and as part of Nordic NORDEFCO cooperation between Finland, Sweden and Norway, an artillery cooperation exercise of the Armies of the respective countries, the NORTHER17 Exercise, also be organised. During the Exercise Pohjoinen 17, the exercise activities involve inspecting the training level of the participating troops, practicing concentration of troops as well as training Army troops’ use of support fires. The peak of the exercise witnesses firing, with combat troops being supported by concentrated use of support fires by national and international firing units.

Ex Pohjoinen 17
Ex Pohjoinen 17

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