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AUSA 2017: Orbital ATK’s XM1147 Advanced multi-purpose ammunition


AUSA 2017: Orbital ATK’s XM1147 Advanced multi-purpose ammunition

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AUSA 2017: Orbital ATK's XM1147 Advanced multi-purpose ammunition
AUSA 2017: Orbital ATK's XM1147 Advanced multi-purpose ammunition
Orbital ATK’sDirector of Large Calibre Ammunition, Craig Aakhus, talks to Christopher F Foss about their XM1147 Advanced multi-purpose ammunition. 120 mm Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP), XM1147 High Explosive Multi-Purpose with Tracer cartridge. This new tank ammunition will provide Abrams Main Battle Tank crews a multi-purpose round that replaces four existing rounds, giving greater mission flexibility and main-gun capability through a single munition for multiple engagement scenarios. XM1147 provides bunker and light-armor defeat, obstacle reduction and dismount engagement. Additionally, the round provides tank crews with an added capability to breach reinforced walls, and engage anti-tank crews and dismounts at ranges up to 2,000 meters.

AUSA 2017: Orbital ATK's XM1147 Advanced multi-purpose ammunition
AUSA 2017: Orbital ATK’s XM1147 Advanced multi-purpose ammunition

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