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Female Soldiers Participate in the 2017 Moscow Victory Day Parade


Female Soldiers Participate in the 2017 Moscow Victory Day Parade

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Female Soldiers Participate in the 2017 Moscow Victory Day Parade
Female Soldiers Participate in the 2017 Moscow Victory Day Parade

A battalion of female cadets in their skimpy uniforms traditionally turned heads as they marched on Moscow’s central Red Square during the Victory Day parade on Tuesday. When their gold braids are all in place, the girls put on mascara and white gloves. Still, no matter how impeccable they may look, their commanding officers always find a nit to pick. There were two female units, 200-strong each, taking part in the parade – four times more than last year. One in four female cadets of the Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry and the Volsky Military Institute of Material Security, who took part in the parade, has already been decorated for participating in last year’s Red Square march.The rest will soon receive their share of commemorative medals, which they will be proud of for the rest of their lives. The May 9 Victory Day parade, which takes place every year in Moscow and in all other major cities across Russia, celebrates the day the Soviet Army triumphed over Nazi Germany in World War II.

Female Soldiers Participate in the 2017 Moscow Victory Day Parade
Female Soldiers Participate in the 2017 Moscow Victory Day Parade

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