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Italian Navy COMSUBIN


Italian Navy COMSUBIN

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Italian Navy COMSUBIN
Italian Navy COMSUBIN

The Italian Navy special forces unit is the COMSUBIN (Comando Subacquei ed Incursori “Teseo Tesei”) – the Raiders & Divers Group. Specifically the 150-200 men of the Operational Raiders Group are the special forces section of the elite unit.
GOI (Gruppo Operativo Incursori) is the branch with raiders; they are trained for naval/coastal operations (but are also used on the mountains of Afghanistan in operation ISAF), are also equipped with special over/under water vehicles for silent insertions.
GOS (Gruppo Operativo Subacquei) is the diver’s branch for rescue tasks and damage inspection / repair of vessels and/or submarines.

Italian Navy COMSUBIN
Italian Navy COMSUBIN

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